Intelligence Activities

Protecting the Secrecy of the Mission: A Review of Douglas Valentine’s new Novel TDY

[TDY is a new novel by Douglas Valentine, author of the nonfiction bestsellers The CIA as Organized Crime: How Illegal Operations Corrupt America and the World, Operation Phoenix: America’s Use of Terror in Vietnam, and five other books. As many know also, TDY stands for “temporary duty yonder,” as in military-related temporary travel or other […]

MI6’s “Man of Mystery” is “Smoking Gun:” Britain’s Complicity in 1953 Iranian Coup Revealed

Must-See New Documentary Exposes Britain’s Complicity in the 1953 Bloody Coup in Iran–A Collusion which the UK Continues to Officially Deny After 67 Years After 60 years of foot-dragging and dissembling, the U.S. government finally confessed and admitted its role in the bloody 1953 coup that overthrew Iran’s democratically elected government led by Dr. Mohammed Mossadegh. […]

Huge Intelligence Agency Scandal Rocks Denmark and Puts its “Deep State” on Trial

Four leading Defense Intelligence Service personnel were suspended on Monday, August 24, pending an independent investigation into serious charges of illegalities—amounting to what Danish daily Politiken is calling the greatest “life scandal in its history.” Lars Findsen, the current director of Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste (FE), the Danish Defense Intelligence agency, and his predecessor, Thomas Ahrenkiel, plus […]