
Mockingbird & Mockingbird 2.0 – Spygate, Russ1agate & More -Jay Dyer (Half)

Today we will walk through one of the most important discoveries of the last several decades that helps understand the architecture of perception management: Operation Mockingbird. The C1A’s control of media didn’t stop with the original disclosures: it expanded to the cyber Mockingbird we have seen in the last few years of the Don’s emergence. […]

Porkins Policy Radio episode 188 Editorial Report: Journalistic integrity and why racists are not welcome here

This week I addressed some editorial issues regarding the radio show and the types of guests I will not support or promote. I talked about the backlash I received for calling Ryan Dawson a “racist grifter” and why I continue to stand by that statement. I discussed my own journalistic integrity and why I will not allow myself to be tainted by right-wingers simply because they do “good research.”

In defence of Alex Jones

A disgustingly misconstrued story attempting to defame Alex Jones has been circulating on alt-media, social media and the mainstream media.
Jones, the founder of and lead host of InfoWars, is currently engaged in a child custody battle in a Texas court with his estranged wife.
Jones has been upset because he has not been allowed sufficient time with his young children, a deeply personal issue which has now been splayed out before the wider media circus.