
Medicine in Trouble: The Death of Informed Consent

A monumental ethical issue is hovering over the entire medical establishment in the United States that threatens its integrity and trust. The human element is being removed from the equation, replaced by computers to give us our options, and legislation to remove our choice in medical care. Somewhere in the shuffle, the individual’s informed consent was broken down, lost in the paperwork, and made irrelevant.

5-Year-Old Dies from Flu After Getting a Flu Shot – An Isolated Case?

In a recent unfortunate event, a 5-year-old girl died from in a hospital from the influenza virus – even after receiving the flu vaccination. Of course nothing is a guarantee.
It all started when the young girl, named Kiera Driscoll, came down with a fever while playing on a Sunday morning. She was given children’s ibuprofen, her farther, Pathrick Driscoll, said made her feel better. But the relief didn’t last long.