
Another Pitfall of the Plastic Chemical BPA: Asthma

If it’s legal, it must be safe, right? Actually, not always. One of the many chemicals deemed legal to use in manufacturing, bisphenol-a (BPA), is contributing to changes in these social attitudes. BPA is an increasingly unpopular chemical, with many companies using the phrase “BPA-free” as selling points for their products. The most well-known effect of BPA exposure may be hormone disruption, but did you know that BPA may also increase the risk of asthma?

4 Must-Have Foods for Reducing Inflammation Naturally

Health news gives us the overriding impression that cancer, dementia, stroke, heart disease, and diabetes are things that simply happen to us. But this just isn’t true. While genes may play a role in our health quality, many experts agree that chronic inflammation causes virtually all leading diseases due to a poor diet and lack of exercise.