
University of Pittsburgh Medical Centers Hid Mold Infections that Killed 3 People

A mold infection has claimed the lives of 3 transplant patients at 2 University of Pittsburgh medical centers, and a fourth patient is deathly ill. The first 2 deaths occurred at University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Presbyterian, and the third occurred at UPMC Montefiore, which is next-door to UPMC Presbyterian. [1]

Neoliberal Ebola: The Agroeconomic Origins of the Ebola Outbreak

By Rob Wallace The notion of a neoliberal Ebola is so beyond the pale as to send leading lights in ecology and health into apoplectic fits. Here’s one of bestseller David Quammen’s five tweets denouncing my hypothesis that neoliberalism drove the emergence of Ebola in West Africa. I’m an “addled ...

Medicinal Mushrooms Proven to Fight the Human Papilloma Virus

Prized for thousands of years for their culinary and medicinal properties, mushrooms are more than just a low kilojoule, low sodium and high-fiber ingredient for pasta and pizzas. One of the many conditions that certain species of mushrooms have been found to heal is human papilloma virus infections, which are feared due to their association with certain cancers.

A Hazmat-Trained Hospital Worker Tells what No One Else is Telling About Ebola

Hazmat-trained hospital worker admits virus mutated, but claims average American has nothing to fear. Though the Hazmat-trained hospital worker, Abby Norman, admits that the virus has mutated, she claims that the average  American has nothing to worry about. Abby, who has made it her mission to educate the public about Ebola believes its all about safety precautions…