
The Great Live Abortion Controversy Explained

The recent executive order signed by Donald Trump to protect premature babies and babies born after “botched abortions” was the result of heated debate over the provision of medical services for especially the latter. A bill to make them compulsory was defeated earlier this year. Some of the rhetoric surrounding this controversy makes the very suggestion of allowing babies to die sound inhuman, as did Alberto Giubilini and Francesca Minerva who opined in 2011 that:

Permitting the Killing of Babies after Birth is the New Position on Abortion by Leaders within the Democrat Party

In Virginia, Democrat Kathy Tran introduced a bill that allows abortion even as the mother is giving birth. The Democrat Governor of Virginia Ralph Northam, a pediatric physician, acknowledged that the bill would allow infanticide after the baby is viable outside of the mother's body.

The Tragedy of being a Girl in India

It is said that India is the ‘most dangerous country in the world in which to be a girl’, a controversial United Nations finding based on a range of distressing social statistics rooted in gender and caste prejudice, much of which can be traced back to 18th century colonialism and the destructive ‘divide and rule’ methodology employed by the British.