
Your Rights And Quality Of Life When Republicans Rule: It’s Republican World! 2015 In Review-- Chapter Nine

-by NoahAs the old saying goes, elections do have consequences. One need only compare two side by side states, Minnesota, rebounding under Democratic Governor Mark Dayton’s administration, and, Wisconsin, being run into the ground by the Koch brothers-backed Governor Scott Walker, who runs Wisconsin as if it was Bolivia or Uganda.Unfortunately, Wisconsin is, by far, not the only state whose citizens are at risk under Republican rule. Here’s a quick look at just a few of the 33 states that have a Republican governor and a matching state legislature.

School ‘banishes’ 7yo student for saying he doesn’t believe in God – lawsuit

RT | August 5, 2015 A seven-year-old Indiana student was “banished” from sitting with his classmates at lunch after stating that he did not believe in God, according to a lawsuit which claims the school violated the child’s First Amendment rights. The suit – filed by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Indiana and […]

Exposing Faux Capitalism with Jason Erb: April 11, 2015

On the April 11, 2015 episode of Exposing Faux Capitalism, I discussed the following issues: Boston Marathon trial farce, the late Singaporean PM Lee Kuan Yew‘s lessons for the West, Canada’s monetary reform case gets mass media attention, California ballot initiative to discredit direct democracy, Indiana’s religious freedom bill a case of property rights, Toronto’s […]

Shucks, our latest Hoosier hero, former Rep. Dan Burton, is just a plain ol' Hoosier Azerbaijani patriot-for-hire

A crucial piece of information was left out of the Daily Caller's presentation to readers of former Congressman Dan Burton as the right-wing whoring dirtbag used its space to pimp for the fascist thugs of KenThere's a good chance that if you're denounced as "a gossip monger" by a certified right-wing whoring dirtbag, it can be taken as a badge of honor.

LIONEL PODCAST: Indiana’s Constitutional and God-Given Right to Hate

“I’m a Christian, a conservative and a Republican, in that order.” – Indiana Governor Mike Pence
It is written. In the spirit of the good book, I’d like to reference this moment of inspiration. “She lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.” (Ezekiel 23:20 NIV)