
1,100 in Indiana Displaced Due to Toxic Levels of Lead in the Soil

A development in East Chicago, Indiana has been confirmed to have toxic lead levels up to 30 times what is considered safe. This is especially devastating for the families who live there, as high lead levels are known to decrease children’s IQs as well as contribute to further developmental issues that may affect them for the rest of their lives. [1]

Watch: Indiana Cops Shoot and Kill Man After He Places Hands in Air

Indiana cops shot and killed a man with a knife, claiming he was “advancing” towards them, making them fear for their lives.
But a body cam video shows the man holding holding his hands up, then taking two steps forward and stopping about 30 feet away from the officers, who were positioned behind their cars.
Daniel Wooters then pointed at them, possibly with the knife in his hand but it’s difficult to tell in the video.
And that was when three Evansville police officers fired 11 shots at the man.

Indiana Jury Awards Man $1 After Cops Enter Home Without Warrant to Unlawfully Arrest Him in Mistaken Identity Case

It was 2012 when Indiana police entered a home without a warrant and shook awake a sleeping 18-year-old high school student, punching him six times, then tasering him before dragging him outside and stuffing him into a patrol car.
Handcuffed in the back of the car, DeShawn Franklin demanded to know what he had done wrong.
A South Bend police officer told him he had matched the description of a man they were looking for, specifically, he had the same hairstyle; dreadlocks.

Indianapolis Police Shoot Homeowner After He Calls 911 to Report Robbery

An Indiana man called 911 Tuesday to report that a man had just robbed his wife at gunpoint in front of their home.
When Indianapolis police arrived, they shot the homeowner.
The gunman, a black man in his late teens, is still at large.
The homeowner, a black man in his late 40s, is listed in serious condition from the gunshot wound to his abdomen.
Police say the officer shot Carl Williams because he opened the garage door to his home while holding a gun after police had pulled up to his home.
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Ugghhh... Evan Bayh Is Back

Evan Bayh, son of a much admired progressive Indiana senator, Birch Bayh (1963-1981), served as governor of Indiana from 1989 'til 1997 and then ran for his father's old Senate seat. He voluntarily retired in 2010, fearful of being defeated in a building GOP wave, saying at the time "I want to be engaged in an honorable line of work" but instead he became a big time DC lobbyist (and Fox News contributor). He was one of the 2 or 3 most right-wing Democrats in the Senate, was one of Bush's biggest Democratic backers for both his attack on Iraq and for his TARP bankster bailout.

Only Trump Could Win The Indiana Senate Race For Reactionary Blue Dog Baron Hill

Another garbage candidate Chuck Schumer likesThe DSCC is hoping against hope to slip another truly horrible right-wing Democrat into the Senate from Indiana this year. It was an unexpected miracle when reactionary Blue Dog, Joe Donnelly, knowing he had zero chance of being reelected to his House seat, threw a Hail Mary pass and ran for Richard Lugar's Senate seat. Might as well go out in a blaze of glory, right?

Ted's Excellent Adventure In Indiana... Ended Any Chance Of Him Becoming President

I don't have any warm and fuzzy feelings for Ted Cruz. I tend to see him something like Boehner sees him-- but I'm sure I hate him even more than Boehner does, since they agree on policy and just differ on process. I hate everything Cruz wants to do to my country. Nonetheless, yesterday I almost felt sorry for him. He was in Marion, Indiana and decided to confront, in a friendly and personable way, the Trump fans in his audience. Now, what does it take to be a Trump fan who drives all the way from Ohio to heckle Ted Cruz and repeatedly scream "Lyin' Ted" into his face?