
Indiana Has A Congressional Candidate With An Extraordinary Record Of Accomplishment-- Meet Dan Canon

IN-09 stretches from the suburbs north of Louisville and The Ohio River-- New Albany, Clarksville, Jeffersonville-- north through Bloomington and Martinsville and into the suburbs south of Indianapolis like Greenwood, Needham and New Whiteland. There are 13 counties in the district, although most of the votes come out of Johnson (south of Indianapolis), Clark (across from Louisville) and Monroe (Bloomington). Before the 2010 gerrymander, it was a swing district that would regularly replace Republicans with Democrats and Democrats with Republicans.

No, Folks Being Destroyed By Trump's Broken Promises In Red States Do NOT Deserve What They're Getting Now

West Virginia was one of Señor Trumpanzee’s best-performing states. He buried Clinton-- 489,371(68.5%) to a pathetic 188,794 (26.4%). She didn’t campaign there and she didn’t have a message for West Virginia’s working families that might lead them to believe life might improve for them if they voted for her. Today you hear some people-- who identify themselves as “progressives”-- saying that West Virginia’s poor deserve Medicaid cuts because the state voted so overwhelmingly for Trump. Take that you awful resident of a state that backed Trump.

Breaking: Mike Pence Used Personal Email for State Business — and Was Hacked

(ANTIMEDIA) A private email account Vice President Mike Pence used for official state business during his tenure as governor of Indiana was hacked last year, the IndyStar is reporting exclusively.
“Vice President Mike Pence routinely used a private email account to conduct public business as governor of Indiana, at times discussing sensitive matters and homeland security issues.

Indiana Police Arrest Fire Chief for Trying to Keep Cop from Escalating House Fire

Cops and firefighters clashed after responding to a house fire in Indiana Tuesday, resulting in police arresting the fire chief as the house continued to go up in flames.
Cannelton police say the city’s volunteer fire chief, Christopher Herzog, pushed and shoved one of their officers, which is why they arrested him for felony battery against a police officer.

Entire Indiana Town’s Police Dept Quits Over Corruption Allegations

One Indiana town is without a police force after every officer resigned because, they say, the town council repeatedly asked them to “do illegal, unethical, and immoral things.”
“We have had issues with the town board and there are some activities there where I felt like they were serving their own agenda,” former Bunker Hill Town Marshal Michael Thomison told a local Fox News affiliate.

WATCH: Indiana Cop Shoots Family Dog in Front Yard Near Kids Tossing a Football After Ignoring “Beware of Dog” Sign

Dash cam video shows an Indiana cop shooting a family dog named Pork Chop after the cop ignored a “Beware of Dog” sign and entered the yard.
The video shows two young boys tossing a football in the yard as Mishawaka police officer Franklin Ennis shoots the dog, which police describe as a pit bull, but its owner says was not a pit bull.
The cop was also wearing a body cam, but police claim the battery had died before the shooting. He said he noticed the Beware of Dog sign, but didn’t think much of it because he rattled the gate and no dog appeared.

Which Senate Democrats Will Be The Most Likely To Sell Out To Trump Most Often?

Painting by Attila Richard LukacsImagine you're a professional politician who's been striving for decades to get to the top of the heap. And then imagine that the Senate is the top of the heap. Say... nominal Democrat-- he's a Blue Dog-- Joe Donnelly, an unlikely freshman senator from Indiana, who should never have gotten into the Senate in the first place.