Indian Communism

Sincere Self-Introspection and Reforms Based on This Will Increase the Strength and Resilience of Left Forces

Left forces have generally been a source of hope and justice , but at certain junctures of history and in certain places these have also been a source of despair and injustice. Human beings are at a critical stage of their history, and we need cooperation and help of all forces who can contribute to creating a better and safer[Read More...]

The Proletarian Uprising of Punnapra-Vayalar: 74 Years Later

The most romantic and probably the only proletarian insurrection of the subcontinent is also the most tragic and the most damned. The Punnapra-Vayalar revolt of October 1946 was Travancore’s ill informed imitation of the Great October Revolution, misled by the Brahmin-Bhadralok leadership and un-Marxist Marxism it preached. The insurrection was based on a single, broad issue – the rejection of[Read More...]

“DV Rao the father of the theory and practice of agrarian revolution in India” : Anand Teltumbde

  Kancha Ilaiah Kancha Ilaiah Shepherd wrote an article titled  “Can Brahmins Bring Revolution: An Assessment Through The Prism Of Tarimela Nagi Reddy”. (, August 18, 2020).… It is not based on facts, and is prejudiced by his theories. He is free to have his theories, but truth should not be a casualty in the process.

Can Brahmins Bring Revolution: An Assessment Through The Prism Of Tarimela Nagi Reddy

What is known as Devulapally Venkateswar Rao (DVR) defenders team, attacked my recent article on Usaa Barber. One of their objects was to assert that DVR, a vegetarian conservative Brahmin, who pretended to be a revolutionary is intellectually superior to the Shudra communist intellectual Tarimela Nagi (TN) Reddy. I take this attack as the appropriate occasion to compare and contrast[Read More...]