
Land to the Landless still unfinished task in the country

The agenda of the central and state governments relating to land resources is slowly getting away from the long promises of freedom struggle, while we are celebrating the Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav. The move of the governments to digitizing of land records, computerized database, mapping of land areas using drone technology, conclusive land titling and registering property index of easy[Read More...]

Journalists in India Face Many-Sided Threats

On May 3 World Freedom Day ten international human rights and press freedom organizations (including the Committee to Protect Journalists and PEN America) expressed serious concern at the increasing assaults on journalists and media freedom in recent times. They called upon the Indian authorities to stop targeting journalists and critics, and more particularly to desist from prosecuting them under sedition[Read More...]

Army Attack on Golden Temple Marks Unleashing of Fascist Forces

Thirty-eight years ago in June 1984, the army launched an attack on the Golden Temple, Amritsar on 3 June with a proclamation to “flush out Sikh militants entrenched inside the holy shrine”. An orchestrated official propaganda, managed by New Delhi power-centre sought to justify the entry of the army on the eve of Guru Arjun Dev’s Shaheedi Divas being observed[Read More...]

How Tribal friendly is Mayawati?

Recently, Mayawati has supported the NDA’s presidential candidate, Draupadi Murmu, saying that her party and its policies have always been pro-tribal. Although this statement of Mayawati seems very natural and expected, the reality is completely opposite. Mayawati’s four times Chief Ministership period shows that Mayawati’s party and its policies have been utterly anti-tribal, as is evident from the following description.[Read More...]

Emergency by Rule Of Law And Law-Less Rule Of Undeclared Emergency… 

(This is part-1 of a two-part  article on Emergency, formal and Undeclared.)     “People lost even right to life during Emergency” said Prime Minister  Modi, in the 90th episode of Mann Ki Baat, June 26.  He reminded the nation about the imposition of Emergency 47 years ago, recalling how the “right to life and liberty” was snatched from citizens[Read More...]

Justice in Crisis – 2

       It is good that the CJI has reminded a foreign audience abroad that the judiciary is committed to the constitution and its values,and not to any government creating havoc by flaunting its banner.In another recent function here a Supreme Court Judge has expressed his unhappiness at the media criticism of the different verdicts of the courts in different cases.[Read More...]

India’s Fine Balance in the International Arena

India is increasingly making its presence felt in the international political arena. And as India’s influence grows in the current stage of the Great World Game, so the major world powers are competing to bring New Delhi into their own camp. India itself is no passive onlooker in this process – with considerable skill it […]

How sincere is the government in its commitment to natural farming?

There have been several assertions on the part of the union government at high levels that natural farming will be promoted by it in a big way. While natural farming has been interpreted often in different ways, generally the meaning sought to be conveyed is that ecologically safe practices to produce healthy food free of harmful chemicals will be promoted[Read More...]

Release Chandrashekhar Azad and his 21 associates now

Allow the CHAs to continue with their protests and rallies. Remove the magisterial powers of bail from the Jaipur police Commissionerate   The PUCL- Rajasthan condemns the illegal arrest of Chandrashekhar Azad (Ravan), the President of the Bhim Army, by the Vidhyakpuri thana of the Jaipur Police Commissionerate, from Hotel Gangaur in Jaipur. What was the urgency to arrest them[Read More...]