
The challenges of Gig-Economy

by Ashish Kumar Singh & Akash Singh According to a NITI Aayog recent report titled ‘India’s Booming Gig and Platform Economy’ India’s gig workforce, estimated to be at 77 lakh in 2020-21. It is expected to go up to 2.35 crore by 2029-30. Gig worker are defined by Niti Aayog as those engaged in livelihoods outside the traditional employer-employee arrangement. Gig[Read More...]

Islamophobia and the Christian community in Kerala

Although there are many threads of kinship, those who study history can understand that there have been conflicts between Islam and Christianity since the beginning. Although it can be attributed to the Semitic tradition and the exact assimilation of the modern structure, it can undoubtedly be said that imperial political interests were behind it. But on the other hand, the role of[Read More...]

From Zail Singh to Draupadi Murmu

The Indian state has constantly deceived the world by concealing its dismal record on minority rights through tokenism Let’s not be fooled by the election of the first indigenous (Adivasi) woman as India’s President. Draupadi Murmu made history after winning the presidential election. She was the candidate of the ruling right wing Hindu nationalist Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP). Prime Minister[Read More...]

Rent Seeking Hindutva Government in India

High inflation, growing unemployment and depreciating rupee are three fundamental issues faced by Indian economy today. The educational and health infrastructure is falling apart. Human development is in the bottom of the nadir. Modi government has no plans to take responsibility to navigate Indian economy away from these crises.  It is passing its responsibility on Indian people by reckless hiking[Read More...]

Resisting the ‘Food Transition’: Genetic Engineering and Dependency 

Colin Todhunter This is an abridged version of the second chapter of the author’s short e-book Food, Dispossession and Dependency. Resisting the New World Order (2022), which can be read for free here. The ‘food transition’ is integral to the ‘great reset’. This transition is couched in the language of climate emergency and sustainability and …

India-Russia-Iran: Eurasia’s new transportation powerhouses

No longer just an ‘alternative route’ on a drawing board, the International North South Transportation Corridor (INSTC) is paying dividends in a time of global crisis. And Moscow, Tehran and New Delhi are now leading players in the Eurasian competition for transportation routes. Photo Credit: The Cradle Tectonic shifts continue to rage through the world […]

Prime  Minister  makes  India  stink  in  world  public  opinion

   “He  (Narendra  Modi)   gifted  ittar  (perfume  derived       from  natural  sources)  bottles in  zardozi  box,  crafted  in  Lucknow,  to  French  President  Emmanuel  Macron.”  (The  Times  of  India,  June  29,  2022)     “Here  is  the  smell  of  the  blood  still:  all  the  perfumes  of  Arabia will  not  sweeten  this  little  hand.” (Shakespeare:  Macbeth). The  above  two  quotes  sum  up  the  record [Read More...]

The Unfortunate New Trend of Punishing Petitioners  

In June 2021 the Delhi High Court passed a judgment on a petition filed by leading film actor Juhi Chawla. She had filed a petition against hasty roll-out of 5G Technology. While anyone may agree or disagree with this, the fact remains that hundreds of scientists worldwide have been warning on the same issue that Juhi Chawla had taken to[Read More...]

AAP: A New Specimen of Corporate Politics

(This article was written in November 2013 and had been published in the Mainstream Weekly, VOL LI, No 47, November 9, 2013. The article was highly criticized by certain progressive/secular intellectuals/columnists ranging from India to the US. Most of them  thought it better to ignore the article as ‘trash’. A generation of young Indians has grown up since then. Definitely,[Read More...]

The magician and the crowd

       The scenes unfolding before us are rather dispiriting.Consider the lone crusade of the opposition’s joint candidate for the post of the President,Yashwant Sinha, as he travels from state to state like an old but sturdy war-horse.It now appears that some elements in the opposition have been brought up short by the support generated for Droupadi Murmu among considerable numbers[Read More...]