
The US alliance in the Indo-Pacific Stumbles

With India and China developing a new consensus on the management of their border in Ladakh and with the possibilities of bilateral conflict receding, the US-led anti-China alliance has begun to seriously stumble from within. With both Asian giants founding new common ground, the future of the QUAD looks bleak while that of the BRICS […]

India exhibits its state-of-the-art weapons

The 12th International Defense Exhibition DefExpo 2022 opened on October 18 in the western Indian state of Gujarat. Defense ministers from 25 countries are expected to attend the exhibition, with representatives from 75 countries participating. The theme of the exhibition is “The Path to Pride,” reflecting Republic Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s intention to make India […]

Ex-Aussie PM Calls Quad ‘Piece of Strategic Nonsense’

Samizdat – 12.10.2022 The Quad was officially launched in 2007 but suspended in 2008 after Australia pulled out of the US-led grouping over concerns expressed by China. The grouping was revived in 2017, a year after the US announced its ‘Indo-Pacific Strategy’. Beijing has labelled the Quad ‘Asian NATO’, accusing Washington of inciting tensions in […]

Countdown Has Begun

They have seized our country and taking it away from us. Our lush forests,rolling plains,our upstanding hills,our majestic rivers,fruits of our toil, future of our children’s children.Our freedoms,our dignity,our past,our cherished heritage,our hearty laughter and our rousing songs. All that our fathers had fought and died for,all that our mothers cherished and nourished with the warmth of their breast. But[Read More...]

Population Control or Punishing the Victim?

The ghost of population control was resurrected after the Assam and the draft U.P Population bills made the headlines last year. It reinvigorated the commonly held belief that some people and communities bear way too many children and therefore impede the important work of national development. And the default solution envisaged to deal with these over-productive people is to punish[Read More...]

Why this Adani port project is being opposed by coastal communities

Opposition to Vizhinjam Port Project Must be Seen in the Wider Context of Protecting Coastal Ecology and Communities The wider discussion on coastal areas often takes place in the context of their beauty and tourism potential. However ecologists place more emphasis on seeing coastal areas as very significant as well as sensitive areas whose development activities should be carefully monitored[Read More...]

Rejection of Subsidies to Poor  To Benefiting Large Corporates

Currently  inIndian media an active debate is taking place in the country on  “frebbies”  or Subsidies given to poor.  The controversy  was first initiated by  PM Narendra Modi who warned the youth against being influenced by a “revari culture”. Soon  Mr. Upadhyaya,  a BJP  leader and a lawyer,  known for his communal hate speeches, moved a petition in the Supreme[Read More...]

Noida Twin Tower Demolition Raises Important Questions

On August 28, 3700 kg. of explosives were used in Noida city ( in national capital region) to demolish two 100-metre tall structures called Apex ( 32 storeys) and Ceyane ( 29 storeys), following court orders based on complaints of glaring violations of construction regulations and the builder’s own earlier commitments. These twin towers were not in the original plans[Read More...]