India-Pak Nuclear Threat

Indo-Pak Nuclear Disarmament and The Need for No War Pact : An Interview with Dr. Abdul Hammeed Nayyar

We interviewed a prominent Pakistani physicist and noted peace activist Dr. Abdul Hammeed Nayyar to understand the dynamics of nuclear disarmament between India and Pakistan. Dr. Nayyar taught nuclear physics at Qaid – E- Azam University, Islamabad for thirty years and was a visiting scholar at Princeton University. Dr Nayyar is well known for voicing for education reforms and military[Read More...]

Indo–Pak Tension: can it be mitigated?

In recent years, tensions mounted between India and Pakistan, two nuclear powers in South Asia. The 2016 Uri attack, the 2019 Pulwama attack on a convoy of vehicles carrying Indian security personnel on the Jammu Srinagar National Highway by a vehicle-borne suicide bomber that led to deaths of 46, and the retaliatory Balakot airstrikes by the Indian air force can[Read More...]

India and Pakistan are arch enemies. And they both have nukes

The Global Nuclear Rat Race The past few decades have seen strides being made in all aspects of life – from sticks and stones to weaponry. The extreme case of this phenomenon has been nuclear weapons. The menace caused by nuclear weapons in the past is unforgettable. Images of Hiroshima and Nagasaki from 1945 come to mind, after the United[Read More...]

António Guterres Wake UP – It Can Turn Into A Nuclear War

  Somedays back, I found a passionately written petition in my mail box appealing for ending tension on the line vivisecting Jammu and Kashmir (LOC). The petition from a journalist friend from Jammu was addressed to Prime Ministers of India and Pakistan. The appeal on behalf of the citizen of Jammu and Kashmir rightly ‘apprehend that the growing tension will[Read More...]