
Kamala Harris’ visit to El Paso is cowardly and selfish [Video]

El Paso, Texas has a good solid border wall, along the city proper’s entire border with Ciudád Juárez, and extending a long distance beyond both cities’ limits, far out into the desert. El Paso is blessed with a Republican mayor, and apparently, border enforcement is in reasonable shape. Perhaps it is for this reason that […]

GOP lawmakers calling for Dr Fauci to be removed from his post [Video]

We have been reporting steadily how Dr Anthony Fauci appears to be more and more caught in the cross-hairs of his own deceptions. This video by Liberal Hivemind details how GOP lawmakers are pressing harder and harder to have him forced to resign from his present role as Head of the Coronavirus Task Force (presently working for […]

Ted Cruz tries to PREVENT Biden from enacting Vaccine Passports [Video]

This is truly the bonanza year or two for leftists. They got several wonderful gifts starting around January of 2020. They got the novel coronavirus, our all-too-familiar COVID-19. They got civil unrest. They got lockdowns. They already had a massive percentage of the American population thinking they are victims. They have had massive success in […]

“Who executed Ashli Babbitt?” Four months later, still a mystery [Video]

Joe Biden had not been installed in the White House yet, but the January 6th incident where several thousand demonstrators, apparently (unwittingly) led by some AntiFa plants, led what has been called a “riot” or “assault” on the US Capiton Building while the Congress was in session to count the Electoral Votes in the 2020 […]

130 US agents claim injury from DIRECT ENERGY weapons [Video]

From the Truth is Stranger than Fiction department, another interesting story. Some 130 people, in Washington DC, ranging from CIA officers to military personnel, report having been attacked by some sort of “energy weapon”, believed to consist of microwave radiation. How many weird stories can the news media juggle at once? We have our brewing […]

HE WHO CONTROLS THE PAST: Biden wants to erase America’s history [Video]

It is amazing that anybody supporting Imposter Biden thinks he loves America. Brietbart News and a very observant YouTuber caught this piece of news, as the Hologram signed an executive order revoking the planned Garden of Heroes and also revoking the real President (Donald Trump)’s order to punish anyone who defaces or destroys statues of […]