
Western States Salvage Terror Assets in Syria

Now that the war in Syria is all but over with the Syrian army, backed by Russia, Iran and Hezbollah, rooting out the last jihadist remnants, we are seeing Western states taking in their terror assets. Maybe as a desperate intervention to stop them from revealing the dirty secrets of Western government collusion.
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Iran:  US Regime Change Project is Immoral and Illegal

“We’re going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran.” (US General Wesley Clark, former Supreme Commander of NATO) Contemptuous of international law, the US makes no secret of its plots to overthrow the leaders of internationally recognized governments that reject the neoliberal New World Order.Iran[Read More...]

U.S. Ratchets Up War Threats Against Iran

On Sunday night, July 22, the Trump/Pence regime ratcheted up its gangster threats against Iran to new, even more dangerous levels. In response to the Iranian regime’s warning against the U.S.’s moves toward war, Trump tweeted out that Iran would “SUFFER CONSEQUENCES THE LIKES OF WHICH FEW THROUGHOUT HISTORY HAVE EVER SUFFERED BEFORE.” Trump was threatening Iran and its 80[Read More...]

Does an Elected President or an Unelected Intelligence Community Govern the US

The madness that gripped liberals and neocons within the Western political, media, and security establishments, over the sight of a US president having the temerity to treat his Russian counterpart – Vladimir Putin – as an equal rather than colonial vassal who knows his place, was and is more pronounced than anyone could have expected. Indeed in the wake of the Helsinki […]

A Tale of Two Poisonings

The Salisbury and Douma attacks are illustrative of just what happens when a government is prepared to dissimulate or even lie to go the extra mile to make a case to justify preemptive action that otherwise might be challenged. Theresa May is, unfortunately, still in power and so is Donald Trump. In a better world an outraged public would demand that they be thrown out of office and even possibly subjected to the tender ministrations of the International Criminal Court in The Hague.

The War on Syria: Driving Home the Truth and the Need to Act Now

The war on Syria is remarkable on many levels.  One of these levels is the success of Western propagandists to prevent the truth from attaining widespread acceptance. Similarly, reputable researchers confirmed long ago what broad-based Western audiences still refuse to accept: On-the-ground evidence of liberated areas continues to reveal the monstrous crimes of the West’s terrorist proxies, and it continues […]

American Democracy And ‘So Say I’ Genres

In America, where a union of bankers run a system promoting private initiative ahead of public interest, the President has adopted a ‘so say I’ approach to trade and worldly issues that would not be out of place in the British sitcom Fawlty Towers. What can be observed in his approach as ‘leader of the free world’…a very American delusion…[Read More...]

The Global Growth of U.S. Special Operations Forces

Early last month, at a tiny military post near the tumbledown town of Jamaame in Somalia, small arms fire began to ring out as mortar shells crashed down. When the attack was over, one Somali soldier had been wounded — and had that been the extent of the casualties, you undoubtedly would never have heard about it. As it happened, however, American commandos were[Read More...]

SYRIA: Pro-Regime Change Academic Bias in UK

The Toran Center for Strategic Studies appears to have been established in early 2016, just after Russia had intervened in Syria in September 2015, at the request of the internationally recognised government there. Toran means “the mother nation of all Turks worldwide” according to Ali Mourad, an investigative journalist, based in Beirut. According to the Toran website: The Toran Center […]
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Delusions of U.S Hegemony: Trump Visits Europe

To say that US foreign policy is delusional is not an exaggeration.  It seeks political hegemony and a relationship with China and Russia akin to what it has had with Japan and Germany, that is, go ahead and develop in the economic sphere but don’t try to flex political or military muscle. There are at least two problems with this[Read More...]