
Prescient Eduardo!

 I noticed the other day — a Eduardo Galleano’s book got me started — that not only did Che, Sandino and Zapata each die before they reached their 40th birthday, Malcolm X and MLK were both assassinated at the age of 39; Malcolm and Sandino both bought the farm on February 21st, believe it or not. The powers that be[Read More...]
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Afghanistan Drawdown: End of American Interventionism

After Donald Trump’s surprise announcement in a tweet on December 19 to withdraw 2,000 American troops from Syria after a telephonic conversation with the Turkish President Erdogan on December 14, the decision to scale back American presence in Afghanistan by 7000 troops has also reportedly been made and the announcement is imminent. It would be pertinent to note here that[Read More...]

When the American Hitler and His War Criminal Defense Chief Battle It Out…

A war criminal and a fascist walk into an oval office… this could be the beginning of a joke, but the consequences for humanity are anything but. Trump and his regime’s raison d’être—the reason that they are in power—is to upend what have been the prevailing norms of how the most powerful country in history is ruled and how it[Read More...]

We Can End The US War On Syria

Co-Written by Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers The US war against Syria was one that people almost stopped. President Obama was unable to get Congress to authorize the war in 2013, but the Pentagon and foreign policy establishment, who have long wanted to control Syria, pushed forward with war anyway. It has been a disaster. The war has resulted in hundreds of[Read More...]

Cyprus: Deadly UK Military Bases, Refugee Camps … and Tourists

Believe it or not, but not long ago, Cyprus used to be the only country in the European Union that was governed by a Communist Party. And it was not really too long ago – between 2008 and 2013.
Also, relatively recently, unification of the Republic of Cyprus and the Turkish administered northern part of the island, appeared to be achievable.
And when Cyprus, like Greece, almost collapsed financially, it was Russia which offered to bail it out (before the EU did all it could to prevent this from happening).
Now it all seems like ancient history.

 During Christmas USA Christian Americans Killing Jesus’ Brethren Goes On In Many Lands 

If commensurate responsibility of Christian Americans for the death from starvation and bombing of increasingly more than 85 thousand darling Yemeni children has no sobering effect on Christian Americans enjoying Christmas, then there is no Jesus Christ in USA CHRISTmas nor in the CHRISTian religion as practiced by the great majority of Americans who call themselves CHRISTians. No wonder Rev.[Read More...]

Trump’s Midterm Electoral Defeat and Syria Withdrawal

Donald Trump’s abrupt decision to withdraw American troops from Syria was reportedly made during a telephonic conversation with the Turkish President Erdogan on December 14, before President Trump made the momentous announcement in a Tweet on Wednesday, December 19. The decision was so sudden that even the Turkish president was caught off-guard, according to a December 22 Associated Press report[Read More...]

Leaving Syria: President Trump’s Withdrawal

“The President announced an apparently impulsive decision that shook the world, showed little sign of nuanced consideration, confounded top advisers and by the end of the day left Washington in chaos and confusion.”  So goes a typical contribution from CNN, this time by Stephen Collinson, pooh-poohing President Donald Trump’s decision to pull out some 2,000 US troops based in Syria.[Read More...]

Khashoggi’s Murder and Trump’s Syria Withdrawal

In a momentous policy decision on Wednesday, the Trump administration has decided to pull out the US troops from Syria. Although the current redeployment of American troops will be limited only to northern Syria to appease the US-ally Turkey where it has been a longstanding demand of the Turkish President Erdogan that Turkey will not tolerate the presence of the[Read More...]