
Video: Hezbollah Warns Israel: ‘If You Dare Attack, You Will Regret it’

On the evening of Friday, November 30, Hezbollah’s war media broadcasted this video addressed to Israel and subtitled in Hebrew, in response to recent Israeli military exercises simulating an aggression against southern Lebanon, an escalation of violations of Lebanese airspace –from which aggressions against Syria are usually carried out– by Israeli drones, and new threats to assassinate Hezbollah Secretary General. The […]

Multifaceted Attack Against Venezuela on Eve of Maduro Inauguration

Venezuelan President Nicholás Maduro’s inauguration for his second term on January 10 is targeted by the US, the allied Lima Group, and the hardline Venezuelan opposition.  They have demanded that Maduro refuse inauguration. A multifaceted attack aimed at regime change is underway using sanctions, military threats, and a campaign of delegitimization to replace the democratically elected president.

An American Senator Writes of ISIS “Hellish Filth We’ve Recruited, Armed and Trained for 8 Years!”

“The Syrian War had … much to do with clandestine actions of CIA, MI-6, Mossad, Turkish MIT, French DGSE, Saudi GID and others. “would never have occurred without American planning and execution.” (and CBS NBC ABC CNN FOX PBS fake news) “The Syrian War had … much to do with clandestine actions of CIA, MI-6, Mossad, Turkish MIT, French DGSE,[Read More...]

Bases, Bases, Everywhere…  Except in the Pentagon’s Report 

The U.S. military is finally withdrawing (or not) from its base at al-Tanf. You know, the place that the Syrian government long claimed was a training ground for Islamic State (ISIS) fighters; the land corridor just inside Syria, near both the Iraqi and Jordanian borders, that Russia has called a terrorist hotbed (while floating the idea of jointly administering it with the United States); the location of a camp where hundreds of U.S. Marines joined Special[Read More...]

Seven Gates of Damascus And Concrete Walls of Kabul

Text and Photos by Andre Vltchek Syria and Afghanistan. Two terrible wars, two mighty destructions, but two absolutelyopposite outcomes. In Syria, it may be autumn now, but almost the entire country is blossoming again, literally rising from ashes. Two thousand miles east from there, Afghanistan is smashed against its ancient rocks, bleeding and broken. There, it does not really matter[Read More...]

 Peace for Syria and a New Kurdistan as Regional Stabilizing Factor?

The US will withdraw her troops from Syria. Will they really? – Let’s take Trump at his word, just for argument’s sake. Though in the meantime, RT reports that the withdrawal may be slower than anticipated, to allow Erdogan making his own “strategic arrangements”, while US troops depart. During his flash visit to the US troops in Iraq on Christmas[Read More...]

REVEALED: Israel’s IDF Used Passenger Airliners as Cover During Christmas Day Attack on Damascus

Yesterday, Israel carried out an unprovoked Christmas Day attack against Syria. According to reports citing the Russian Ministry of Defense, six Israeli F16 fighters violated neighboring Lebanese airspace and while passing over Sidon, fired 16 laser-guided GBU-39 bombs towards targets in and around the capital city of Damascus, 14 of which were intercepted by Syrian air defense systems.  More shocking […]

USA abandoning the Terrorist-ISIS-Kurdish colonization of Syria, really?

First things first: by now, anyone with a tiny bit of brain, honesty and knowledge, should be 100% sure of the fact that ISIS is a US creation and that, when John Kerry mentioned the need for a Plan B, he was not joking. Let’s talk about Plan B and the Plan A. Let’s also talk about the confusing Plan[Read More...]

Who Was Secretly Behind America’s Invading and Occupying Syria?

The invasion and occupation of Syria by tens of thousands of jihadists who were recruited from around the world to overthrow Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad, was financed mainly by U.S. taxpayers and by the world’s wealthiest family, the Sauds, who own Saudi Arabia and the world’s largest oil company, Aramco. America’s international oil companies and major think tanks and ‘charitable’[Read More...]