
Enough Western Meddling and Interventions: Let the Venezuelan People Decide

American politicians from the two main parties have finally found something to agree upon: more intervention in Venezuela.
“Now, despite (President Nicolas) Maduro, there is hope (in Venezuela)”, wrote Democratic Senator, Dick Durbin, in USA Today. “These events (meaning the current political instability in the country) are a welcome development of Latin American nations defending democracy.”

In Countries Destroyed By The West, People Should Stop Admiring The U.S And Europe

It may sound incredible, but it is true: in countries that have been damaged, even totally robbed and destroyed by the West, many people are still enamored with Europe and North America. For years, I have been observing this ‘phenomena’, even in the most plundered, devastated war zones and slums. Often I was shocked, other times thoroughly desperate. I did[Read More...]

 Veni, Vidi, Tweeti (I Came, I Saw, I Tweeted)- An Obituary for the Republic

What dreamers they were! They imagined a kind of global power that would leave even Rome at its Augustan height in the shade. They imagined a world made for one, a planet that could be swallowed by a single great power. No, not just great, but beyond anything ever seen before — one that would build (as its National Security Strategy put[Read More...]

Syrian Conflict and Beginning of the New Cold War?

In July 2003, Dr. David Kelly, a British weapons inspector who had disclosed to the media that Tony Blair’s government’s dossier on Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction was “sexed up,” was found dead in a public park a mile away from his home. The inquiry into his death concluded that Kelly had committed suicide by slitting his left wrist but[Read More...]

U.S. Thugs warned Russia and Venezuela: They have to be stopped

Enough is enough! There have been plenty of empty talk and peace conferences, more than enough of begging: “Please, West, stop murdering people, stop your genocides, stop robbing all continents of their resources, stop enslaving billions!”
Look where it has ended up! Nowhere. Absolutely nowhere. The more people begged, the more they protested, the harder the West hit.
Rulers in Washington, London and Paris have no mercy. They have no sense of justice. They only know greed and power.
On February 13, 2019, RT reported:

Eva Bartlett ‘Brings the Voices of the Syrian People to Oslo’

The great Eva Bartlett gave a must see presentation at the Mot Dag conference in Oslo this past weekend, exposing the corporate media distortion which promotes the regime change narrative in Syria and suppresses the voices of the majority of Syrians. Originally published (Mot Dag TV)
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Facts Don’t Interfere With Propaganda Blitz Against Venezuela’s Elected President

he constitutional argument that Trump and his accomplices have used to “recognize” Guaidó rests on the preposterous claim that Maduro has “abandoned” the presidency by soundly beating Falcón in the election.
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Where Will the National Guard Be Sent in 2019?

  The Uses of a Well-Regulated Militia by an Unregulated President A young friend is seriously considering joining her state’s National Guard. She’s a world-class athlete, but also a working-class woman from a rural background competing in a rich person’s sport. Between seasons, she works for a local farm and auctioneer to put together the money for equipment and travel.[Read More...]