
A World On Fire: Western Peoples’ Apathy Must End. A Cri de Coeur From Vanessa Beeley.

Martyrs Day. #Syria I recently posted an interview I did with a retired schoolteacher in Mesyaf – Ali Habib. Ali called out, not only the governments in the West, but the people. He expressed a growing lack of trust in the people from Europe and he described (very eloquently) the gangsterism and moral bankruptcy in the U.S. Of course there are […]

US Global Power: The Trump Period

US global power in the Trump period reflects the continuities and changes which are unfolding rapidly and deeply throughout the world and which are affecting the position of Washington.
Assessing the dynamics of US global power is a complex problem which requires examining multiple dimensions.
We will proceed by:
    (1) Conceptualizing the principles which dictate empire building, specifically the power bases and the dynamic changes in relations and structures which shape the present and future position of the US.

REPORT: US-Backed Hybrid War on Venezuela Enters ‘Hot Phase’

SouthFront reports…
The US hybrid war on Venezuela has now entered a hot phase.
On April 30, Juan Guaido, US-declared ‘Interim President’ of the country appeared in a video calling for a military uprising. Guaido, accompanied by heavily armed men, claimed that he had backing from the  military and  that the video was filmed at the Generalissimo Francisco de Miranda Air Base in the capital, Caracas.

 Six Ways to Curb America’s Military Machine | William J. Astore

Donald Trump is a con man. Think of Trump University or a juicy Trump steak or can’t-lose casinos (that never won). But as president, one crew he hasn’t conned is the Pentagon. Quite the opposite, they’ve conned him because they’ve been at the game a lot longer and lie (in Trump-speak) in far biglier ways. People condemn President Trump for his incessant lying and his con games — and[Read More...]

Vanessa Beeley reports on NATO Sponsored Terrorist Attacks on Syrian Towns

Our friend, the outstanding independent journalist Vanessa Beeley sends this compelling and moving report from Syria: I have just returned to #Damascus after spending almost 4 days in the Syrian Christian towns of Al Skeilbiyyeh and Mhardeh. During my time in Al Skeilbiyyeh the town came under attack by Hayat Tahrir As Sham or Nusra Front/Al Qaeda. On the 24th April 16 […]

US pushing for war with Venezuela -Venezuela ROUNDUP – 16

Washington DC meeting to plan war in Venezuela US pushing for war with Venezuela US forces ready to attack Venezuela: Southern Commander Maduro rejects Bolsonaro’s invasion threats Imperialism is moving ahead with its war plan in Venezuela. Meeting to plan war Media reports said: Samuel Moncada, the Venezuelan Ambassador to the UN, denounced an April 10-secret meeting at Washington D.C.’s Center[Read More...]