
Jon Snow and the Murdered Children: His Six-Figure Salary Cannot Buy a Clear Conscience

I have just heard some news which is almost too heartbreaking to put into words. This morning, a little boy, Marcel Shadi Nemeh, died of his wounds in hospital after sustaining them last Sunday in an attack by Nusra Front terrorists on his home in Skeilbiyyeh, Syria. In that same attack, his brother Bashar was killed, along with three other children who were innocently playing in a monastery courtyard and some in their own homes.

How to Lobby Washington to Death : A Business Model From Hell and the War in Yemen

Co-Written By Mashal Hashem and James Allen A springtime wedding in Northern Yemen’s Al-Raqah village took place in April 2018, a moment of reprieve from the turmoil and devastation of that war-torn country, a moment to celebrate life, love, and the birth of a new family. From the tents constructed for the event, music flooded into the village and, as at any good wedding,[Read More...]

Al Skeilbiyyeh: Massacre of Children in Syria – Who Will Report This Outrage?

This is today in Al Skeilbiyyeh, Syria, after six children were killed by the Jihadists that the UK. US, and the other war criminals, fund and support! Look at this grief!! Look at these mothers! Look at the little coffins! Your government has this blood on its hands!! These men carrying the coffins are the residents of this town who […]

My Role in Weaponizing ‘Moral Equivalence’ and ‘Religious Freedom’

It’s confession time …
Without getting overly autobiographical, it is worth noting that my perspectives (whatever their value) on American public policy and global affairs reflect decades of first-hand, professional experience in both the Executive and Legislative branches of the US government. The former was at the Department of State as a commissioned US Foreign Service Officer, the latter at the US Senate as a policy adviser to the Republican leadership.

The Middle East Agenda: Oil, Dollar Hegemony & Islam

Assalamu’alaikum. Dr. Mahathir, Mrs. Mahathir, distinguished Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen. Little has changed in the imperialist tendencies of American foreign policy since the founding of the United States of America in seventeen eighty-nine. The fledgling United States opened the nineteenth century by stealing the continent of North America from the Indians, while in the process ethnically cleansing them and then[Read More...]