
What’s Really Happening in Lebanon?

Excellent analysis of the protests in Lebanon by Laith Marouf: Hear me out about Lebanon; although all the demands of the protesters are legitimate, the cascade of events that triggered them is all planned meticulously. Since 2017, the Empire and its local enforcers, Apartheid Israel and Saudi Occupied Arabia, wanted the government of PM Hariri to collapse, therefore bringing down the […]
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Paternalistic Non-interventionism

The summer of 2019 has seen a series of events in Hong Kong beginning with two massive demonstrations that called for the withdrawal of the Extradition Bill to Macao, Taiwan and Mainland China. The demonstrations were peaceful and the bill was quickly “suspended” and labeled “dead” by the Hong Kong government and then withdrawn by summer’s end, meeting the demand of the demonstrations.

Why Withdrawing US Troops from Northern Syria is GOOD

The foreign policy elite is in an uproar. They claim “we have abandoned our allies”. They question “how can America be trusted?” They say the decision to withdraw from northern Syria was a “gift” to Russia, Iran, and Assad, even ISIS. It is true that the policy of US/NATO interventionism is failing. But that has been true since the invasion of Iraq or earlier. After the disastrous invasions and attacks on Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya, and the 8 year undeclared war on Syria, isn’t it time to  question the foreign policy elite?

Syria: Exposing Western Radical Collaboration with Imperialism

Despite so many self-defined radicals’ reading and claims to understand Gramsci’s corrective to Marxism-Leninism’s mechanistic understanding of the relationship between the base and the ideological superstructure, the ease by which some radicals are manipulated by the crude ideological machinations of the ruling class is truly astonishing.

Stop Press: The Queen’s Screech: Britain, Spain and Other Illnesses

Anti monarchist Soviet poster: “Once and for all”
There are some people — whereby I do not know how many — who recall the key elements of British colonial rule. I was fortunate enough not to live under it. My grandfather had no great admiration for the country where he was born, despite the almost rabid Anglophilia to be found even today in many surprising places.

Elite UK military unit secretly trained by leftist regime-change advocate Gilbert Achcar and other academics

Government documents show scholar Gilbert Achcar and other pro-regime change academics have given training sessions to UK Ministry of Defense…
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