
The Imperial geopolitics is facing challenge

Developments on the world stage are stunning. Almost every day, geopolitical incidents and moves are appearing magical. The developments are challenging the Empire’s geopolitics in regions. Months ago, the Empire gave an impression that it’ll regain ground whatever has been lost, prestige that slipped down from its crown. Immediate moves were taken, at least for public view. Those were image-rebuilding[Read More...]

Leftist Anti-Anti-Imperialism: Supporting Imperialism but with Caveats

Academic Gilbert Achcar, in an article originally in New Politics and  picked up by The Nation, proves by his own example that what he calls “progressive democratic anti-imperialists” are not progressive. Rather, they (1) serve to legitimize reaction and (2) obscure the singular role of US imperialism, while (3) attacking progressive voices. Such anti-anti-imperialism provides […]

Mourn Not Honor Americans Who Died in Dishonorable ‘Mistaken’ Wars for GOP DEMS & Wall St. Deep State

    Humankind is in an ugly period of suffering in the bloody hands of imbecilic investors in war, who own the American government and media and who cannot stop themselves from planning war, even terminal nuclear war, since they know that wars make money. Their funded elected politicians and media praise war on Memorial Day. On Memorial Day, be[Read More...]

The Chinese Dreamers vs. the U.S. Hegemon

Do China and the US have fundamental goals that constitute a contradiction, that is, goals so profoundly at odds with one another that the goals cannot coexist? Unfortunately, the answer is yes. Such a contradiction means that one side must abandon its aims if a disastrous conflict is not to ensue. Which country should step […]
The post The Chinese Dreamers vs. the U.S. Hegemon first appeared on Dissident Voice.

U.S. Operating 60,000-Troop Strong Secret Army, Claims Newsweek report

The U.S. military is operating a 60,000-troop strong secret army without any Congressional oversight, spending at least $900 million on the program annually, claimed a Newsweek report. The Newsweek report cited the results of a two-year investigation. The magazine’s report, said to be based on dozens of Freedom of Information Act requests, the analysis of 1,600 resumes and job postings,[Read More...]

Dissolving the State Won’t be Easy

The State is anti-societal; some would say sociopathic. It is elitist; it is riven by affiliation with a “Core Identity Group” contraposed to the Other; in most countries, the State provides and secures the basis for capitalism to flourish, separating the population into a few haves and multitudes of have-nots. While capital flows more-or-less freely […]
The post Dissolving the State Won’t be Easy first appeared on Dissident Voice.

The Jakarta Method Never Ended

Prepare to read Vincent Bevins’s The Jakarta Method in one sitting because it’s impossible to put down. The book is a summation of the US government assisting the Indonesian military in killing approximately one million civilians from October 1965 through March 1966. While the Vietnam War got most of the headlines, in Indonesia the world’s […]
The post The Jakarta Method Never Ended first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Too Much Respect for Authority

Why aren’t U.S. crimes, including war crimes, regarded as crimes? The answer is, because it’s unpatriotic. This bit of shorthand requires explanation. The posed question begins with the assumption that the United States commits crimes. Not everyone would agree with this. Whether or not actions are regarded as crimes is dependent on the perspective of the observer. Best to ask[Read More...]