
Leaving Bagram Airbase: The Day the US Imperium Turned Tail

From the Bagram Airbase they left, leaving behind a piece of the New York World Trade Centre that collapsed with such graphic horror on September 11, 2001.  As with previous occupiers and occupants, the powers that had made this venue a residence of war operations were cutting their losses and running. Over the years, the base, originally built by the[Read More...]

Taliban has won the war in Afghanistan, says Lord Dannatt, former British army head

The Taliban has “prevailed” in its battle with the West in Afghanistan, said General Lord Dannatt, the former head of the British Army as it emerged all UK and U.S. troops will be withdrawn on Sunday. Writing in The Telegraph, General Lord Dannatt said: “Ultimately, Taliban force of arms has prevailed, and the people of that country have been denied the[Read More...]

The Passing of the Present and the Decline of America

“I asked myself about the present: how wide it was, how deep it was, how much was mine to keep.” — Kurt Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse-Five (1969) Kurt Vonnegut’s famous novel about the World War II bombing of the German city of Dresden appeared the year I graduated from West Point. While dimly aware that its publication qualified as a literary event, I felt[Read More...]

 Sadly China & Russia Remain Quiet Re US Past Genocides & Ongoing Genocide in the Middle East & Africa

The world facing desperate situations of climate change, planetary degradation and nuclear war preparation desperately needs protection from inhumane deceiving war promoting Western media, and from where shall it come if not from the bountiful and powerful two great designated adversaries of the Western powers, China, the world’s most populous nation and largest economy, and the Russian Federation encompassing 11%[Read More...]

Games the Pentagon plays

Modern warfare is waged with high-tech weapons. Each battle fought eats up loads of ammunition and modern weapons systems need spare parts and fuel. All this meaning that no military action is possible without an advanced economy and supplies. Even terrorist organizations forced to go deep into the underground have to set up laboratories and workshops to produce homemade explosives[Read More...]

The Long Crusades of Western Imperialism

In late April 2021, US President Joe Biden announced  a withdrawal from Afghanistan. In other words, the US has been trounced in Afghanistan by its very own jihadist Frankenstein, the Taliban. The defeat of USA is covered with the ugly debris of history. The dirty war on Afghanistan was part of a disastrous process of occupying and […]
The post The Long Crusades of Western Imperialism first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Racist, Misogynist, Militaristic, Imperialistic, Homophobic, White Christian Supremacy

Canadians like to think of ourselves as less racist, less right wing and especially less violent than Americans. But two recent events coming after a previous series of mass murders has shaken this belief. Four members of a Muslim family were murdered in a hate crime while out for a stroll last Sunday in London, […]

USA’s Sordid Role in Afghanistan

The situation in Afghanistan remains bleak. In late April 2021, US President Joe Biden announced  an apparent withdrawal from the Central Asian country. However, the facts on the ground indicate that America’s longest war has merely been downsized. 16,000 military contractors and more than 1,000 US troops will stay in Afghanistan; aerial bombardments, drone strikes […]
The post USA’s Sordid Role in Afghanistan first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Arms Sales: What We Know About Bombs Being Dropped in Our Name

At some point before the summer of 2018, an arms deal from the US to Saudi Arabia was sealed and delivered. A 227kg laser-guided bomb made by Lockheed Martin, one of many thousands, was part of that sale. On August 9th, 2018 one of those Lockheed Martin bombs was dropped on a school bus full of Yemeni children. They were[Read More...]

The Origin of the Hypothesis that Covid-19 Is Man-Made

Eric Zuesse Back on 3 February 2020, the brilliant lawyer, Francis Boyle, who drafted America’s Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, was interviewed by the anti-imperialistic website “Great Game India,” headlining “Francis Boyle Creator Of BioWeapons Act Says Coronavirus Is Biological Warfare Weapon”. Here are excerpts: I’m not saying they deliberately inflicted this on their […]