
When Will the Stars Shine Again in Burkina Faso?

Wilfried Balima (Burkina Faso), Les Trois Camarades (‘The Three Comrades’), 2018. On 30 September 2022, Captain Ibrahim Traoré led a section of the Burkina Faso military to depose Lieutenant Colonel Paul-Henri Sandaogo Damiba, who had seized power in a coup d’état in January. The second coup was swift, with brief clashes in Burkina Faso’s capital […]
The post When Will the Stars Shine Again in Burkina Faso? first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Universal Tipping Points: Change is Coming

Much like individual change, societal developments happen gradually, often painfully; even when sudden shifts take place, seemingly ‘out of the blue’, they are the result of an accumulation of incremental steps – the last straw on the camel’s back as it were. Small developments may slip by unnoticed, major events scream out and demand our […]
The post Universal Tipping Points: Change is Coming first appeared on Dissident Voice.

750 Million Europeans Suffer So A Few Wealthy North Americans Can Get Richer

September 2, 2022 By Stephen Gowans Commercially, Ottawa’s backing of multilateral sanctions on Russian oil and gas makes sense. Canada is a major oil and gas producer whose corporate sector could benefit from a growing share of the world energy market, one in which Russia is a major rival. A fortiori, Washington’s championing of the … Continue reading 750 Million Europeans Suffer So A Few Wealthy North Americans Can Get Richer

U.S. presses Japan to cancel Constitution’s peace-clause. China and Japan must thus finally agree now, to avoid a war.

Eric Zuesse The United States Government is pressing Japan’s Government to revise its 1947 U.S.-created Constitution so as to eliminate its clause (Article 9) that prevents Japan from invading any country. The clause asserts that: the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force […]

Washington Wants a New Cold War—But That’s a Bad Idea

As China unleashed live-fire military exercises off the coast of Taiwan, simulating a real “reunification by force” operation in the wake of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s ceremonial visit to the island last week, the bipartisan fervor for a new Cold War with China and Russia took greater hold in Washington. “Leaders in both parties,” Post columnist Josh Rogin reports, “understand that the United[Read More...]

How 2019 Coup in Bolivia Exemplified Millennia of Global History

Throughout thousands of years of human history, dictatorships have been the norm, not the exception, and all of them have been by the aristocracy, against the public. (Sometimes, the aristocrats are led by one person, a “monarch,” Führer, etc.; but he or she then REPRESENTS the aristocracy, NOT the public.) Aristocrats are the nation’s few […]

Has China Been Bluffing?

British professor Orlando Figes, who specializes in Russian history, wrote that the 2008 Russian intervention in Georgia on the side of the breakaway enclaves of Abkhazia and South Ossetia had exposed American timidity and scuppered NATO membership hopes for Georgia. [Figes, The Story of Russia, (Metropolitan Books, 2022): 285-286.] Was there a lesson learned by […]
The post Has China Been Bluffing? first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Canada’s “Jekyll-and-Hyde” Masquerade as Nation that Supposedly Supports Pacifism and Progressive Principles

[Source: Justin Trudeau photo –; Dr. Jekyll & Hyde poster –; collage courtesy of Steve Brown] On July 8, the Canadian government led by Justin Trudeau announced that it would send 38 General Dynamics-made armored vehicles to Ukraine as part of $500 million in military aid allotted to Ukraine that had been attached […]

Ukraine Communists’ View of the War in their Country and How to End It

By Stephen Gowans July 12, 2022 The Union of Communists of Ukraine (UCU), a communist party banned in Ukraine, published a statement on the war in their country on SolidNet, subsequently republished in English on The Defense of Communism site on July 12, 2022. The following is a summary of the party’s analysis, which closely … Continue reading Ukraine Communists’ View of the War in their Country and How to End It →