#MorningMonarchy: December 12, 2016
Criminals in action, bizarro world and countering disinformation + this day in history w/Bush v. Gore and our song of the day by Kindling on your Morning Monarchy for December 12, 2016.
Criminals in action, bizarro world and countering disinformation + this day in history w/Bush v. Gore and our song of the day by Kindling on your Morning Monarchy for December 12, 2016.
Yesterday, speaking to a fringe right-wing radio show, John Cornyn, McConnell's #2 in the Senate said Republicans in Congress will continue "investigating" Clinton if she's elected.
Les citoyens brésiliens ont à subir un nouvel épisode dans le feuilleton tragique qui pèse sur les esprits depuis le printemps. Il fragilise la démocratie de la septième puissance économique mondiale. La présidente Dilma Rousseff est sous le coup d’une procédure d’impeachment depuis le 12 avril 2016. C’est la date à laquelle le parlement avait voté à la majorité le démarrage de la destitution.
More war, comedian row and a new map for America + this day in history w/San Francisco earthquake and our song of the day by The Posies on your Morning Monarchy for April 18, 2016.
• Arizona Republican protests busload of YMCA Campers• Crazyspeak of the Year nominees No. 15: the Impeachment Variations (group nomination)• Crazyspeak of the Year nominee No. 16: NM Rep. Steve PearceIn Part 12 we pay tribute to Arizona GOP congressional hopeful Adam Kwasman, the genius who decided it would help his primary bid to vent media outrage over a busful of supposedly terrified illegral-immigrant kiddie laborers -- who turned out to be, literally, YMCA happy campers.
It's poetry in motionAnd now she's making love to meThe spheres're in commotionThe elements in harmonyShe blinded me with science"She blinded me with science!"And hit me with technologyAlthough there are still fringe extremists and dyed-in-the-wool racists in Congress whining that it's time to shut down the government again, that the GOP-written report about Ben