
Eyes Wide Shut 30 Years BEFORE? Eye of the Devil Analysis – Jay Dyer

30 years before Stanley Kubrick made the highly revelatory film Eyes Wide Shut, another film had shown a similar dark side to the elite: Eye of the Devil, starring none other than Sharon Tate, then wife of Roman Polanski. Given her other roles and Polanki’s other films (Polanski did not direct Eye of the Devil), we see yet another window into the dark side of the elite, their worship of bloodlines and the connections between Hollywood and medieval gnostic sects. Be sure and share, click like and subscribe!

Jordan Peterson, Origen, Darwin & Absolute Simplicity – Traditional Philosophy Ep 4 – Jay Dyer (Half)


Today we will continue to cover divine simplicity in the Roman view, the Orthodox view, the meanings of our terms, the revealed doctrines, the patristic usages, the essence – energy distinction, St John of Damascus but with a focus on St Sophronius, and the 6th council’s condemnations of Origenism on multiple grounds from St Sophronius’ confession, accepted at the 6th council. We will compare this to Origen’s doctrine of evil based on dialectics and how Peterson accepts this view and how this leads him to gnosticism and how it ties to evolutionary theory.


Symbolism & Mystical Typology of Exodus Pt. 2 – Jay Dyer (Half)

Picking back up in Exodus, we investigate the typology and symbolism of Exodus, which points directly to the coming of the Messiah in the figure of Christ. Dreaded by all liberals and modernists, the Torah is absolutely the inspired and inerrant the Law and Word of God.
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Livre (roman) : « L’Élixir », de Sem

Imaginez qu’un laboratoire invente un jour une molécule qui permet à celui qui l’absorbe d’atteindre « l’Illumination » en trois heures seulement ; imaginez que le patron du groupe pharmaceutique à qui appartient ce labo décide de répandre cette molécule à travers une boisson énergisante vendue dans tous les supermarchés… Voici le pitch de L’Élixir, un roman rafraîchissant, où le lecteur suit le parcours de plusieurs personnages qui, pour la plupart, vont à moment

JaysAnalysis: Mystical Meaning of the Allegory of the Cave (Half)

In this half talk, we come to the most important image in the history of western thought and philosophy, the allegory of the cave and the Platonic epistemology and metaphysic. Exemplifying in lucid terms exactly what Plato/Socrates thought about gnosis and statecraft, my talk demystifies and debunks the common misappropriation and misuse of this allegory.