
Lipinski's Campaign Of Filth And Smear Ends Tuesday-- Hopefully With His Disgraceful Political Career

This Tuesday is primary day in Illinois. There are several crucial battles going on between progressives and corporate Democrats but there are4 none where the contrast is clearer than in the Chicagoland seat which pits Marie Newman against right-of-center Blue Dog Dan Lipinski. The DCCC has sided with Lipinski of course, but progressive Democrats from Jan Schakowsky, Luis Gutiérrez and Ro Khanna to Bernie Sanders and Chuy Garcia are strongly backing Marie (also endorsed by Blue America).

Someone Better Rein In The DCCC Before It's Too Late-- But Who? Pelosi Sure Won't. Can Bernie?

It shouldn't surprise anyone that Steny Hoyer has been an enthusiastic, full-throated supporter of anti-Choice, ant-immigrant, anti-healthcare, anti-LGBTQ fake-Dem Dan Lipinski all along. Hoyer's slimy money laundering operation AmeriPAC, gave Lipinski $5,000 immediately (at around the same time the GOP PAC, Susan B. Anthony List gave Lipinski $6,200.) Pelosi's backing for the bigoted right-winger was slightly more surprising.

Bernie Endorses Marie Newman In Illinois' Hottest Congressional Primary

Reminder: today is March 9, The Illinois primaries are Match 20. And unlike the Texas primaries Tuesday, there are no runoffs. These are for keeps. The other day, we ran a guest post by Tony Sterbenc about a young progressive, Ryan Huffman, running in the crowded IL-06 primary for the Democratic nomination to take on vulnerable Republican Pete Roskam.

Let's Watch 2 Friday Night Videos

The first video is the first TV ad for the Chicagoland district (IL-03) by progressive reformer Marie Newman, the Democrat working to unseat Blue Dog Dan Lipinski, one of the most pro-Trump Democrats in Congress. It's pretty self evident what Marie is doing to create a plausible narrative to replace Lipinski. Recent polling shows that if the messaging in the video gets out to voters in the district, Lipinski will be defeated.

Chicago Sun-Times Editorial Board Meets With Marie Newman And Blue Dog Arch-Villain Dan Lipinski

The Illinois primaries are just around the corner-- March 20. In a safely blue Chicago districts like IL-03, where Hillary beat Trump 55.2% to 39.9%-- that's the day the next member of Congress is determined. It's a big deal this year on IL-03 because the extreme right incumbent Democrat, Dan Lipinski, has his first-ever primary challenge.

Did Ex-Blue Dog Kirsten Gillibrand Just De-Rail Blue Dog Dan Lipinski's Worthless Political Career?

Incumbents always-- always-- circle the wagons around other incumbents of their own party who are challenged in primaries. Even when they know the incumbent being challenged is a corrupt bucket of slime bringing disrepute on the party and on Congress, incumbents will turn their backs on worthy challengers. Have any elected officials given Tim Canova a hand against Wasserman Schultz?