
LIONEL PODCAST: America’s Suicide Pact

Why are you so worried about “debates.” They’re not debates. They’re beauty pageants. Mindless media diversions. Psychotic interludes. Charm school rejects and sleight of hand. Bought and paid for political hacks playing the ol’ switcheroo. Just look at the topics that seem to command so much of our collective attention. Look at what we find interesting, critical and what we ignore and reject altogether. Look at the attention that our media will pay to underinflated footballs and other pseudo-controversies; it is beyond my comprehension.

LIONEL PODCAST: We Know Nothing! Nothing!

We know nothing! Nothing! We don’t ask or question or care. We’re busy. We have our boxing matches and royal births. We have a tissue-thin latticework of policy, ideology and what may pass for history. Our politics are titular and superficial at best. We don’t think, question and will never stray into any field that could in any wise be construed as conspiratorial. Heavens no! We have been duped into thinking that the left/right paradigm exists, that it means something, they represents substance.

Probable Cause with Sibel Edmonds- Psychopathic Rulers & Docile-Gullible Subjects: A Symbiotic Relationship?

Welcome to our eighteenth episode of Probable Cause. In this episode we’ll be discussing psychopathy- specifically psychopathic players within the Deep State, political and bureaucratic arenas, including a few significant variables that seem to be completely disregarded or kept at bay by many publications and discussion forums.