Idlib Gas Attack

If Assad Must Go, So Must All The Warmongers

The real truth revealed by the chemical weapon tragedy in Syria’s Idlib Province is that as the world continues to tear itself asunder and make a mockery of the United Nation’s concept of international law and the sovereign rights of nations – supposedly intended to protect them from such unprovoked, preemptive attacks by rogue countries like the United States and[Read More...]

Al-Shayrat Airfield Attack Violates UN Charter

In early morning darkness on April 7th the United States fired 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles at the Syrian al-Shayrat Airfield from two American destroyers stationed in the Eastern Mediterranean. It described the targets as Syrian fighter jets, radar, fuel facilities used for the aircraft. It asserted prior notification of Russian authorities, and offered the assurance that precautions were taken to[Read More...]

Joining The War Train: Trump’s Liberal Cheer Leaders

“Action is consolatory.  It is the enemy of thought and the friend of flattering illusions.” Joseph Conrad, Nostromo (1904). At the psychological heart of every liberal is a milk soft tendency to succumb to the authoritarian personality, a feeling that, just around the corner, resistance will fold.  Before such authority, adoration and bruising follow in menacing union. As US President[Read More...]

Trudeau Poodles For Empire

“Russia needs to be aware, made aware of its responsibility in the bloody actions last week by the Assad regime and therefore we are always open to working with our friends, allies and partners allies to send clear messages through sanctions and other means to Russia.” PM Justin Trudeau. Canada’s PM Trudeau displayed all the sycophancy of a stalwart U.S.[Read More...]

Syria Chemical Weapon Attack:  Truth Comes At A Cost

  Shooting from the hip with unerring accuracy was the Wild West according to Hollywood.  As anyone who has ever fired a pistol will tell you it is improbable, and historically the West’s few gun duels were rather unremarkable.  The latest hip-shooter is of course Donald J. Trump whose foreign policy seems to turn on a dime — from not[Read More...]

Trump’s Syria Attack Poses New Conundrums For The Anti-War Movement

There is widespread criticism of Trump’s Syria attack on the left, and many of the reasons stated are spot on: The attack was surely not motivated by humanitarian considerations, contrary to what is claimed. The attack is illegal, both under US and international law, and hence constitutes an act of war. The US has been conducting military strikes in Syria[Read More...]

Arms And The Babies: Unbridled Compassion For All The Casualties of War

We must not conceal from ourselves that no improvement in the present depressing situation is possible without a severe struggle; for the handful of those who are really determined to do something is minute in comparison with the mass of the lukewarm and the misguided. And those who have an interest in keeping the machinery of war going are a[Read More...]

Trump Attacks Syria: A Gambit And A War Crime

There are contradictory opinions about who on last Tuesday April 4th used chemical weapons, which killed more than 80 civilians including children in the rebel-held town of Khan Sheikhun in Syria. Some pundits impute the deadly Sarin gas attack to Bashar al-Assad, while others believe terrorists belonging to the al-Nusra Front, which is an al Qaeda surrogate and friends with[Read More...]