
Porkins Policy Radio episode 109 Stephen Singular Talked to Death: The Murder of Alan Berg

Stephen Singular joins me today to discuss his first book Talked to Death: The Murder of Alan Berg. We begin by talking about controversial radio host Alan Berg. Stephen explains how he went from a Chicago based lawyer, to one of the most popular radio hosts in the nation. We discuss Berg’s confrontational style of talk radio which covered everything from race, politics, sex, religion, to the love of his Airedale dog. Stephen and I then move onto the far right neo-nazi group The Order, which would assassinate Berg on June 19, 1984.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 109 Stephen Singular Talked to Death: The Murder of Alan Berg

Stephen Singular joins me today to discuss his first book Talked to Death: The Murder of Alan Berg. We begin by talking about controversial radio host Alan Berg. Stephen explains how he went from a Chicago based lawyer, to one of the most popular radio hosts in the nation. We discuss Berg’s confrontational style of talk radio which covered everything from race, politics, sex, religion, to the love of his Airedale dog. Stephen and I then move onto the far right neo-nazi group The Order, which would assassinate Berg on June 19, 1984.

Watch: Idaho Police Arrest Man for Video Recording FBI Building

Police in Pocatello, Idaho arrested a man for filming an FBI building from public property. It is becoming an all too common occurrence for officers to stop and detain citizens for recording police or law enforcement activity of any kind. But the aforementioned video recording is a First Amendment protected activity, so anyone has the right to do so.

Yellowstone Grizzly Bears Lose Federal Protection After 42 Years

For the past 42 years, Yellowstone grizzly bears have been protected under the Endangered Species Act. But now the U.S. Department of the Interior, citing a rebound in the bear’s population, says it will end these protections and make the states responsible for tracking the animals’ numbers again. [1]
The agency says the rule, announced on 22 June 2017, will take effect 30 days after it is published.
Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke said in a statement:

Idaho Cop Cleared After Killing Suspected Drunk Driver Despite Video Evidence Contradicting Police Narrative

An Idaho cop who shot and killed a suspected drunk driver won’t be charged with a crime despite video evidence that contradicts police’s narrative of events.
Boise police said they shot 50-year-old Noel Rodriguez because he had tried to stab them with a screwdriver before trying to run them over with his pickup truck.
But the body cam footage they released shows Boise police officer Rob Rainford shooting at Rodriguez as he revs his engine after being boxed-in by two cop cars, ramming both cars in an attempt to escape.