Le malaise français : « sécurité nationale », mais pour quelle nation ?

Depuis les attentats du 22 mars dernier en Belgique, il a été beaucoup question de la nécessité pour l’Europe d’augmenter sa sécurité et de moderniser les méthodes de surveillance massive et de contrôle dans tous les transports publics, en particulier dans les aéroports et les réseaux ferrés souterrains. Il y a un pays dans le monde qui a reçu une quantité considérable de publicité dans ce domaine: Israël.

BRUSSELS ATTACK: Yet More Proofs of a Staged Event…

What’s increasingly remarkable about staged terror operations or dodgy official narratives is how frequent they now are, how many holes there are in the stories, and how many of the same ingredients appear to suggest the same production company. Really, these things should get more professional, tighter and more bullet-proof each time, especially with all […]

What About Technology And Development?

Humanity indeed finds itself embedded in a technological world. This is a world where human beings consume technology, and where technology in turn incorporates human identities. It shapes human interaction, and it shapes the future. There have been many unforeseen byproducts from the advancement of technology and technologic science. The nonplussing lack of “miracles,” and astounding strides in progress, for example, reveal the deep-seated complexities that arise from the dynamic relationships inherent to science, technology and human society.