Ice Age Farmer

THE WOKE FAMINE: Boycotting Food to “Save the Planet”

source THE WOKE FAMINE: Boycotting Food to “Save the Planet” The Guardian is pushing a boycott of JBS, which would cut out 20% of the US meat supply overnight. Given their funding from the Gates Foundation, who seeks to end animal agriculture altogether, this is unsurprising! Christian breaks down this latest propaganda hit piece in […]

Texas Goes Dark – 45% US Wheat Damaged – Grand Solar Minimum [Feb 16, 2021]

source Texas Goes Dark – 45% US Wheat Damaged – Grand Solar Minimum 45% of the US Winter Wheat crop is estimated to have been damaged as the polar vortex (also known as meridional jetstream flows associated with Grand Solar Minima) brings Texas’ power grid down. — FULL SHOW NOTES — Watch on BitChute / LBRY / […]

No Vax, No Food? UK Supermarkets may Require Vax Passport

source No Vax, No Food? UK Supermarkets may Require Vax Passport UK’s Dominic Raab turned heads this morning, suggesting supermarkets “could” require Vaccine Passports in the near future.  Drastic changes to retail are coming soon as consumers’ access to food is limited, selection shrinks, and prices rise.  How far will we allow these agendas to […]

Building the Beast System: FDA wants GPS on crops – Spinach sends email – Cow registration mandates

source Building the Beast System: FDA wants GPS on crops – Spinach sends email – Cow registration mandates The FDA is considering requiring GPS coordinates of every crop harvested, and data on when it was planted/harvested/chilled/packed/shipped. Not only would this put small farms OUT of business, it effectively requires robotic automation. British Columbia has mandated […]

Biden Attacks Farms – Comprehensive War on Global Food Supply – Engineered Famine

source Biden Attacks Farms – Comprehensive War on Global Food Supply – Engineered Famine The Biden admin’s executive actions in the last 48 hours are attacking farms and implementing the technocratic takeover of food, accelerating a global collapse in food production by paying farmers NOT to grow food, cutting their financial support, tasking Tom Vilsack’s […]

The GREATER Food Transformation – Christian Westbrook at The GREATER Reset Activation – Jan 2021

source The GREATER Food Transformation – Christian Westbrook at The GREATER Reset Activation – Jan 2021 Christian Westbrook of the Ice Age Farmer broadcast speaks at The Greater Reset Activation ( ) on the transition to an emergent, regenerative, decentralized food system to feed and empower our families and communities into the future. — […]

Seed Companies Warn of Shortages, Delays – So Find Them Locally!

source Seed Companies Warn of Shortages, Delays – So Find Them Locally! Large seed companies are warning of shortages and shipping delays, and in some cases not taking orders. Your best bet is to find seeds locally, which are already adapted for your neck of the woods!  Check with neighbors, seed libraries, seed swaps, county […]

“Animals are Dirty & Dangerous” – Hungary to kill 101k Hens – Pets Next?

source “Animals are Dirty & Dangerous” – Hungary to kill 101k Hens – Pets Next? Australia announces it will kill a pigeon that travelled 8,000 miles across the Pacific (because COVID!), reinforcing that animals and humans can no longer be allowed to travel freely in the “New Normal.”  Hungary is set to cull 101,000 hens, […]