John Bolton versus the International Criminal Court: A Simple Solution

By Thomas L. Knapp | William Lloyd Garrison Center | September 11, 2018 In a September 10 speech to the Federalist Society, National Security Advisor John Bolton offered “a major announcement on US policy toward the International Criminal Court.” The US government, per Bolton, considers the court “fundamentally illegitimate. … We will not cooperate with the […]

International Criminal Court unfazed by US threats of sanctions over Afghan war crimes probe

RT | September 11, 2018 The International Criminal Court (ICC) has said it will “continue to do its work undeterred,” after US National Security Advisor John Bolton threatened sanctions if the tribunal investigates alleged US war crimes in Afghanistan. The Hague-based court investigates genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes and is backed by 123 […]

US announces closure of Palestinian mission in Washington

Press TV – Sep 10, 2018 The US State Department has announced it is ordering the closure of the Washington mission of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), a move that has drawn strong reaction from Palestinians. “We have permitted the PLO office to conduct operations that support the objective of achieving a lasting, comprehensive peace […]

John Bolton Threatens ICC With Sanctions If They Dare Investigate US or Israeli War Crimes

UPDATE: John Bolton just officially threatened International Criminal Court judges with sanctions. (CD) — Reinforcing the worldwide perception of the U.S. as “a bully and a hegemon” that will not tolerate attempts by the global community to hold it accountable for its deadly actions overseas, President Donald Trump’s national security adviser John Bolton is set to deliver a speech on Monday […]

Bolton wants to sanction ICC judges who probe US war crimes

Press TV – September 10, 2018 White House National Security Adviser John Bolton wants to sanction International Criminal Court (ICC) judges who probe alleged war crimes committed by Americans in Afghanistan, according to reports. Bolton on Monday will declare the ICC in The Hague “illegitimate” in an attempt to pressure the court which is planning […]

Afghanis Submit Over a Million Complaints of Crimes Against Humanity During Afghan War

(COMMONDREAMS) — International Criminal Court (ICC) judges are weighing over one million statements from Afghans who allege they are victims of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by actors in the armed conflict there, including Afghan forces, the Taliban, the CIA, and the U.S. military. The victims began submitting their statements to the ICC judges in late November […]