The International Criminal Complicity

On Intimidation, Cowardice & Corruption (at the International Criminal Court) “Drill and uniforms impose an architecture on the crowd. An army’s beautiful. But that’s not all; it panders to lower instincts than the aesthetic. The spectacle of human beings reduced to automatism satisfies the lust for power. Looking at mechanized slaves, one fancies oneself a […]

International court judge resigns, citing ‘shocking’ interference from ‘above the law’ US

RT | January 30, 2019 A senior judge has resigned from the UN International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague, after the United States threatened judges investigating alleged US war crimes in Afghanistan. The judge, Christoph Flügge, has worked with the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) […]

DPRK Is Still Being Persecuted For “Violating Human Rights”

By Konstantin Asmolov – New Eastern Outlook – 20.12.2018 The ties between South and North Koreas are becoming closer and there are fewer tensions in the relationship between DPRK and the USA. That often makes us forget that, though it was rather the Democrats’ strategy to pick on North Korea for violating human rights, the […]

The UN’s Combat Troops in the Congo: ‘They Were Not Supposed to Die’

A memorial service was held for the six peacekeepers from Malawi and one from Tanzania who died during clashes with the ADF militia in the Congo on Nov. 15, 2018. Seventeen members of the same UN force intervention brigade were killed nearly a year ago battling the ADF. MIRIAM ASMANI/MONUSCO 
United Nations peacekeepers working for the mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo were killed by a militia in a jungle in North Kivu Province on Nov. 15, leaving seven soldiers dead: six Malawians and one Tanzanian. Ten were injured.

Israel Attorney General: ‘No Palestinian state’ so ICJ illegitimate

MEMO | November 27, 2018 Israel’s Attorney General is drafting a legal opinion which will declare the International Court of Justice (ICJ) illegitimate on the grounds that there is “no Palestinian state”. Avichai Mandelblit said yesterday that he was drafting the judgment to refute the ICJ’s legitimacy to rule on the Israel-Palestine conflict, claiming that […]

International Criminal Court won’t drop arrest warrant on Gadhafi son

“The ICC case against Saif al-Islam Gadhafi must be seen in context of the illegal NATO assault on Libya, including the public murder of his father and the destruction of the Libyan state,” Australia-based political economist and activist Tim Anderson, told The Final Call via email.  “That is a great crime that cannot be forgotten,” he added.
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UN Peacekeepers Murdered on Duty Die in Obscurity

Sgt. Maj. Albert Ndikumana, 29-year-old Burundian peacekeeper, was killed during an ambush on Aug. 23, 2018, in the village of Pavika, Central African Republic. He received “the last honors of his UN family,” the Minusca mission said, on Sept. 6 in a ceremony held at its headquarters in Bangui. Beyond such official recognition, peacekeepers murdered in the line of duty receive little notice from the UN in New York. LEONEL GROTHE/MINUSCA