Will the ICC Prosecute Perpetrators of the ‘War on Terror’?

By Ramona Wadi | MEMO | November 30, 2019 On May 13 2014, the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) Chief Prosecutor announced it would reopen the investigations into alleged war crimes committed by British soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan, following additional submitted information pertaining to the investigation which had been concluded in 2006. A recent BBC […]

As Afghan Carnage Continues, US Presidential Candidates Face Key Question

Marjorie Cohn says Democratic contenders should commit to immediate troop withdrawal and to cooperate with international  investigations of U.S. war crimes.  By Marjorie Cohn Truthout On July 30, the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan reported that the Afghan government and international military forces, primarily the…Read more →

Justice is still being sought nine years after Israel’s attack on the Mavi Marmara

By Gülden Sönmez | MEMO | June 19, 2019 On 31 May, 2010, Israel carried out a deadly attack on human rights activists trying to deliver humanitarian aid to the besieged Gaza Strip. After boarding the Mavi Marmara during a dawn raid whilst it was sailing in international waters, Israeli soldiers killed nine aid workers […]

Latest attempt to prosecute President Assad at ICC is further criminalisation of “international justice”

In March 2019 two law firms filed cases at the ICC against Syria’s President Bashar Al Assad and unnamed members of the Syrian government. Toby Cadman of Guernica Chambers and Rodney Dixon of Temple Garden Chambers were the protagonists in this latest attempt to criminalise the Syrian President and government.  These law firms are basing their case upon the testimony […]

Latest attempt to prosecute President Assad at ICC is further criminalisation of “international justice”

In March 2019 two law firms filed cases at the ICC against Syria’s President Bashar Al Assad and unnamed members of the Syrian government. Toby Cadman of Guernica Chambers and Rodney Dixon of Temple Garden Chambers were the protagonists in this latest attempt to criminalise the Syrian President and government.

Latest attempt to prosecute President Assad at the ICC is further criminalisation of “international justice”

Toby Cadman. Co-founder of Guernica Chambers 37, one of legal entities bringing latest case against President Assad at the ICC. (Photo: The ICC and our politics) By Vanessa Beeley | 21st Century Wire | May 28, 2019 In March 2019 two law firms filed cases at the ICC against Syria’s President Bashar Al Assad and […]