US Loses its Grip on Israel and Palestinians

For 20 years, the White House stood guard over the peace process, reserving for itself the role of stewarding Israel and the Palestinians to a resolution of their conflict. Like some Godfather, the US expected unquestioning loyalty.
But Washington’s primacy in the relationship with both the Israeli and Palestinian leaderships is unravelling at astonishing speed.
The crisis has been building for six years. Barack Obama arrived at the White House just as Israel elected one of the most right-wing governments in its history, led by Benjamin Netanyahu.

Israeli group files war crimes complaints against Palestinian leaders at ICC

MEMO | January 6, 2015 An Israel based rights organisation yesterday filed war crimes complaints against three Palestinian leaders before the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague, Israel’s Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper revealed. The Shurat HaDin Law Centre filed the complaints against Deputy Secretary of the Fatah Central Committee Jibril Rajoub, Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah, […]

Israeli group files war crimes complaint against Abbas at ICC

MEMO | December 1, 2014 Shurat HaDin – Israel Law Center formally requested the International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor open an investigation into alleged war crimes committed by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. The claim is regarding “reports of Fatah-affiliated armed groups firing significant numbers of rockets on Israel from Gaza during Operation Protective Edge […]

Is this Palestine’s last chance?

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas after addressing the 69th Session of the UN General Assembly in New York, September 26, 2014. (photo credit: AFP/Timothy A. Clary)

The way is clear for Abbas to pursue a solution based on justice instead of engaging yet again in a lopsided political fudge concocted by some of the most dishonest fixers on the planet masquerading as ‘peace brokers’.


Obama takes hypocrisy to new high levels

An informed visitor from another planet who listened to Obama would scratch his head and say, “Has the president not heard about the occupied and oppressed Palestinians and their long struggle for freedom, justice and dignity?”

by Alan Hart

In laying out his plans to degrade and ultimately destroy ISIS, President Obama said this: 

Free Palestine? First we must free ourselves from the Enemy Within 

Image: Fatou Bensouda, the international criminal court prosecutor. Photograph: Michael Kooren/AFP/Getty Images 

 First we must free ourselves from the clutches of the Enemy Within. Only then will Israel be brought to account and the Palestinian know peace and prosperity.

Western leaders ‘nobble’ the International Criminal Court

US objects Palestinian bid to International Criminal Court

MEMO | August 6, 2014 Spokesperson of the US Department of State Jen Psaki said on Tuesday that her country objects to the Palestinian Authority’s efforts to try Israel at the International Criminal Court (ICC). Commenting at a daily press briefing in Washington on what she called “reports of a push for an ICC investigation”, […]