IAEA Director General’s Appearance Before U.S. Senate a Major Error in Judgment

By William O. Beeman | Dissident Voice | August 6, 2015 This decision by Director General Yukia Amano to appear before the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations to testify on Iran’s nuclear program is regrettable, but it is also not surprising. Amano has been consulting with the U.S. Government on a regular basis ever […]

IAEA Director General’s Appearance Before U.S. Senate a Major Error in Judgment

This decision by Director General Yukia Amano to appear before the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations to testify on Iran’s nuclear program is regrettable, but it is also not surprising. Amano has been consulting with the U.S. Government on a regular basis ever since his appointment as Director General. This is well documented.

Some states have hijacked NPT in favor of Israel: Researcher

Press TV – April 28, 2015 Press TV has conducted an interview with Soraya Sepahpour Ulrich, an independent researcher and writer, in Irvine, to get her take on the stance of Iran and other countries over the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). The following is a rough transcription of the interview. Press TV: Mohammad Javad Zarif’s spokes […]

International Atomic Energy Agency Lacks Transparency, Observers and Researchers Say

Nuclear Inspection Agency Demands Transparency from Others, but Not Itself Some Documents Accessible in U.S. and British Archives Are Locked up in Agency’s Vienna Headquarters Never Before Published Document Describes IAEA 1996 Transparency Proposal (See Sidebar) By Toby McIntosh and William Burr  – National Security Archive – April 24, 2015 Newly Obtained Document Describes IAEA […]

Reading the Runes in the Latest Report on Iran’s Nuclear Program

By Peter Jenkins | LobeLog | February 20, 2015 The latest report from the International Atomic Energy Agency on Iran’s nuclear program contains much that is worth emphasizing. Iran is continuing to account for all its declared nuclear material (and the agency appears to have no reason to suspect the existence of undeclared nuclear material). […]

CIA-planted ‘evidence’ may force IAEA review of alleged Iranian nuclear arms program– report

RT | February 21, 2015 Doctored blueprints for nuclear weapon components supplied to Iran by the CIA 15 years ago could force the IAEA to review its conclusions on Iran’s atomic program, which was potentially based on misleading intelligence, Bloomberg reports. The details of the Central Intelligence Agency operation back in 2000 were made public […]

Misleading the World on Iran’s “Bomb”

The negotiations over Iran’s supposed nuclear bomb-building abilities seem to be stuck in a rut. Given the detailed undertakings by Iran incorporated in the interim agreement made last year it should have only been a hop, skip and a jump to forge a final agreement.
In reality it hasn’t been so easy. Over many years the US with European connivance most – not always – of the time manufactured and manipulated the whole crisis. To overcome the suspicions aroused by that, now past, tactic is not easy.

The Persian Bomb Squad

A recent New York Times article offered another textbook example of the spectacular bias the U.S. employs to undermine those that might pose a challenge to its global hegemony. It also nicely illustrated the willingness of the media to serve as little more than a relay station for state propaganda. Yet it was but the latest in the glossary of deceits that characterize America’s relationship with Iran.