IAEA dismisses Israel’s call to inspect Iran facility

Press TV – October 2, 2018 The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has declined to “take at face value” a recent Israeli claim that Iran has a secret atomic warehouse. “The Agency uses all safeguards relevant information available to it but it does not take any information at face value,” IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano […]

Helpless Europe Swallows Its Pride Amid Trump’s Anti-Iran Crusade

BRUSSELS — Donald Trump’s decision to scrap the Iran nuclear agreement was universally deplored, yet the move underscored the chaotic nature of the United States’ relations with the rest of the world – and, primarily, its disharmonious transatlantic relationship with the “troika” of key European allies: Britain, France and Germany.
But are the European powers truly allies of Washington, or mere junior partners and vassals?

As Trump Blows Up Iran Nuclear Deal, CIA-Funded Palantir Remains Key to IAEA Inspections

WASHINGTON — As the White House officially dropped the ax on its participation in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the landmark multilateral nuclear accord with Iran, instead opting for a policy of extreme hostility, reports have indicated that CIA-funded analytics company Palantir Technologies Inc.

Out of Control: Netanyahu’s Theatrical ‘Iran Lied’ Dossier

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered a Monday prime-time performance for the world – but it was probably only meant for an audience of one: U.S. President Trump.
Bibi’s theatrical show, complete with cartoonish slides and magician curtains, was billed as Israel’s smoking gun ‘dossier’ on Iran’s ‘secret nuclear program’ in defiance of the 2015 nuclear deal that Trump is expected to make a decision on later this month.