
LIONEL PODCAST: Pillow Talk – Scalia’s Mysterious Death, No Autopsy, No Investigation, No Nothing

The evidence being carted away. The most high profile Supreme Court justice of the past quarter century is found dead, and the cause of death is determined by a Justice of the Peace without seeing the body?! Let me repeat – Without seeing the body! And no autopsy was performed. The deaths of transients found in a dumpster behind a liquor store are investigated more thoroughly than this. And Scalia was arguably one of the most powerful individuals in the nation, the conservative SCOTUS polestar. Hello! Nothing to see here, kids.

Is Venison in the U.S. Safe to Eat? Not Necessarily

It has been over ten years since Wisconsin endured a kind of deer holocaust. The terminal deer and elk disease, chronic wasting disease (CWD), descended upon its deer population with such vengeance officials declared “CWD eradication” zones in which fauns and does would be killed before bucks. Thousands of deer carcasses were stored in refrigerated trucks in La Crosse while their severed heads were tested for CWD.