Human Rights & Crimes Against Humanity

Nanotechnology Found in Both Vaxxed And Un-Vaxxed

Nanotechnology Found in Both Vaxxed And Un-Vaxxed by Greg Reese, The Reese Report August 5, 2023    Doctor Charles Morgan, former CIA and consultant for the US military on neurological sciences, spoke to cadets at West Point in 2018 about the current state of technology. He briefed the cadets on experiments from 2013 where humans were

Debunking Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s Pro-Israel Talking Points 

Debunking Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s Pro-Israel Talking Points by Robert Inlakesh, The Last American Vagabond August 6, 2023   US Democratic Party Presidential candidate, Robert F. Kennedy Jr recently sat down with celebrity rabbi Shmuley Boteach at an event in New York to perform a pre-prepared set of pro-Israel talking points. This came after the

Vandana Shiva: Bill Gates and Silicon Valley Behind Push for ‘Farming Without Farmers, Food Without Farms’

Vandana Shiva: Bill Gates and Silicon Valley Behind Push for ‘Farming Without Farmers, Food Without Farms’ On the latest episode of Russell Brand’s “Stay Free,” scholar, environmental activist and food sovereignty advocate Vandana Shiva, Ph.D., discussed food fascism, the power of “philanthropy,” digital enslavement and how people can free themselves from this system. by Brenda

How Green Is Lab-Meat?

How Green Is Lab-Meat? by Navdanya International July 28, 2023   Synthetic foods are the next generation of ultra-processed foods made through the hyper-processing of industrially produced crops, a combination of processed and artificial ingredients and completely new ingredients produced through synthetic biology, (or so called ‘precision fermentation’), and cell-culturing. These products use a combination

This Pro-Mask “Study” Is Why You Should NEVER “Trust the Science”

This Pro-Mask “Study” Is Why You Should NEVER “Trust the Science” by Kit Knightly, OffGuardian July 27, 2023   Last week it was reported that the Australian state of Victoria may be considering “permanent” facemask mandates to achieve “zero-Covid”. Now, we don’t need to get into the personal liberty implications of such a law, or  the near-infinite supply

Funny How the UFO Narrative Coincides With the Race to Weaponize Space

Funny How the UFO Narrative Coincides With the Race to Weaponize Space by Caitlin Johnstone, Caitlin’s Newsletter July 27, 2023   If Wednesday’s House Oversight subcommittee hearing on UFOs had happened ten years ago instead of today, it would have shaken the world. Imagine someone from 2013 hearing congressional testimonies about “routine” military pilot encounters with giant

James Corbett on the Weaponization of Psychology

James Corbett on the Weaponization of Psychology by James Corbett, The Corbett Report as interviewed by ANTIJANTEPODDEN July 26, 2023 (interview July 23, 2023)    VIDEO COURTESY ANTIJANTEPODDEN: WEBSITE / ODYSEE   via ANTIJANTEPODDEN: Investigative journalist James Corbett has investigated how psychology is being weaponized to target dissidents. In this episode he explains the absurdity of the old

“Covid” Vaccines Were Deployed by the US Department of Defense as “Countermeasure Prototypes” With No Safety Testing Required, Using the General Public as Guinea Pigs

“Covid” Vaccines Were Deployed by the US Department of Defense as “Countermeasure Prototypes” With No Safety Testing Required, Using the General Public as Guinea Pigs   “As if that news were not troubling enough, Katherine and Sasha learned that anyone who examines the contents of the vaccines vials can be legally punished for doing so.