Human Rights & Crimes Against Humanity

Amphibians in the Mine: “The Frogs and Salamanders Are Telling Us…It Is a Matter of Their Survival and Ours.”

Amphibians in the Mine: “The Frogs and Salamanders Are Telling Us…It Is a Matter of Their Survival and Ours.”   “Salamanders, toads and frogs have more vitality than other forms of life. The density of their strings — their meridians — that connect them to earth and sky is greater. It is why they rarely

Circus Politics Are Intended to Distract Us. Don’t Be Distracted.

Circus Politics Are Intended to Distract Us. Don’t Be Distracted. by John & Nisha Whitehead, The Rutherford Institute March 22, 2023   “There is nothing more dangerous than a government of the many controlled by the few.” —Lawrence Lessig, Harvard law professor It is easy to be distracted right now by the bread and circus

Psychotronic and Electromagnetic Weapons: Remote Control of the Human Nervous System

Psychotronic and Electromagnetic Weapons: Remote Control of the Human Nervous System by Mojmir Babacek, Global Research March 18, 2023   This incisive article by Mojmir Babajek predicted more than 10 years ago, what is happening today, namely the development of informational weapons and the remote control of the human brain. It was originally published by Global Research on January

Agenda 2030 – Dutch Farmers, Train Derailments, and EPA Land Grabs

Agenda 2030 – Dutch Farmers, Train Derailments, and EPA Land Grabs The failing desperate race to execute the United Nations World Government Agenda  by Greg Reese, Reese Report March 8, 2023      Connect with Greg Reese   Written transcript provided by Truth Comes to Light.   Founded in part by the Rockefellers, the

The Right to Be Let Alone: When the Government Wants to Know All Your Business

The Right to Be Let Alone: When the Government Wants to Know All Your Business by John & Nisha Whitehead, The Rutherford Institute March 7, 2023   “Experience teaches us to be most on our guard to protect liberty when the government’s purposes are beneficent.” —Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis There was a time

What Is in So-Called Covid-19 Vaccines (Part 1) – Evidence of a Global Crime Against Humanity

What Is in So-Called Covid-19 Vaccines (Part 1) – Evidence of a Global Crime Against Humanity   “It is no exaggeration to claim that the fate of humanity is on the line now that more than two thirds of it has taken one or more of these shots. Because the stakes are sky high, the

The Attempted Destruction of Land-based Cultures

The Attempted Destruction of Land-based Cultures by Navdanya International March 1, 2023   Real food is how our bodies are interconnected to the web of life on Earth. We are so deeply interconnected that our microbiome forms a continuous, reciprocal macro-organism with the microbiome of the soils. We are so connected that the debilitation of health of one aspect of our

Five Times August Music Video: “Gates Behind The Bars”

Five Times August Music Video: “Gates Behind The Bars” by  Brad Skistimas, Five Times August February 6, 2023    “Gates Behind The Bars” The wimp’s on the loose He’s bought all the land He’s out for revenge To hurt every man He’ll print all the food And drug every kid Pretend like he’s good