Human Rights & Crimes Against Humanity

Reiner Fuellmich: The Māori People of New Zealand vs Perpetrators of the Plandemic

Reiner Fuellmich: The Māori People of New Zealand vs Perpetrators of the Plandemic by Stop World Control with Dr. Reiner Fuellmich June 1, 2023   Something will happen in New Zealand, that could impact the world… An international team of attorneys and scientists joined with the indigenous Māori people of New Zealand. They will start

Chemtrails Exposed: The Coal Fly Ash / Fluoride Connection

Chemtrails Exposed: The Coal Fly Ash / Fluoride Connection    [Video available at The Abstract Rumble channel.]   Chemtrails Exposed: The Coal Fly Ash / Fluoride Connection  by Peter A. Kirby, Activist Post May 30, 2023   The author’s book Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project provides compelling evidence indicating that the chemtrails so often seen

The Shady History of the Con-stitution

The Shady History of the Con-stitution Did the mandatory “government” school lie to you about the history, logic, morality and legitimacy of the Con-stitution? by Etienne de la Boetie2, The Art of Liberty Foundation May 24, 2023   Executive Summary It is frankly absurd on its face that any written document or political ritual like

Paul James with Reinette Senum on The History of Our Enslavement in America Under the Guise of Democracy

Paul James with Reinette Senum on The History of Our Enslavement in America Under the Guise of Democracy The Lost Political History of America is Revealed If you are wondering why we have no representation these days… Paul James unravels a history where America went from being a Republic to a defacto corporate, municipal government.

Andrew Napolitano on Pegasus & Predator Spy Systems: The Feds and Their Copycats 

Andrew Napolitano on Pegasus & Predator Spy Systems: The Feds and Their Copycats The Feds and Their Copycats  by Andrew P. Napolitano, Judge Napolitano May 18, 2023   The federal government recently revealed that at least 50 U.S. government personnel working in 10 foreign countries have had their mobile devices hacked by unknown persons who

Government and Rule: The Bane of Humanity

Government and Rule: The Bane of Humanity by Gary D. Barnett May 12, 2023   “To be GOVERNED is to be watched, inspected, spied upon, directed, law-driven, numbered, regulated, enrolled, indoctrinated, preached at, controlled, checked, estimated, valued, censured, commanded, by creatures who have neither the right nor the wisdom nor the virtue to do so.

Will the Mass Poisoning of Our Skies Cause a Killing Field Effect?

Will the Mass Poisoning of Our Skies Cause a Killing Field Effect? by Gary D. Barnett May 3, 2023   “When people look up into the sky and see white trails paralleling and crisscrossing high in the sky, little do they know that they are not seeing ‘condensation’, but instead are witnessing a man-made ‘climate

The Global Pandemic Treaty Is a Threat to Us All

The Global Pandemic Treaty Is a Threat to Us All by James Corbett, The Corbett Report April 28, 2023   Today, James delivers a statement for the National Citizens Inquiry in Canada on the WHO, the global pandemic treaty, the amendments to the International Health Regulations, and the formation of the coming technocratic biosecurity control

Dr. Ana Mihalcea & Clifford Carnicom: What Is Happening to Humanity’s Blood? — On the Loss of Electrical Blood Conductivity in the Post C19 Era

Dr. Ana Mihalcea & Clifford Carnicom: What Is Happening to Humanity’s Blood? — On the Loss of Electrical Blood Conductivity in the Post C19 Era   “In our good faith effort to quantify the loss of electrical blood conductivity in the post C19 era and reference this with the extensive previous investigations looking at iron

Hacking Humanity: Transhumanism

Hacking Humanity: Transhumanism   “Harari’s pronouncements may amount to intentional hyperbole to make a point, but his statements are remarkable for the cynicism and disdain for humanity they betray. They are revelatory of the unmitigated gall of believers in the transhuman future. Coupled with the neo-Malthusian impulses of the elite, centered around the UN and