
Will The Real Howie Klein Please Stand Up, Please Stand Up-- A Little Film By Frank Schaeffer

Frank Schaeffer got me to step away from my computer last week and this morning he sent me the little film he made about me. He's in the middle of traveling around the country filming progressive congressional candidates. He was out here in L.A. for his movie... driving around Orange County and L.A. County, speaking with Doug Applegate, Katie Hill, Laura Oatman, Kia Hamadanchy and Sam Jammal.

So I'm D.C.-bound -- all I have to do is catch my 3am train

The great John Russell Pope's National Archives Building (1931-35), one of the landmarks mentioned in Francis Morrone's description for tomorrow's "Monumental Washington in the 1930s and 1940s" tour for the National Civic Art Societyby KenAs long-time DWT readers may recall, Howie is my oldest friend in terms of continuous service -- dating back to the 9th grade a

It takes a lot to dislodge Howie from his blogging chair -- a blast from the past

WEDNESDAY, MAY 09, 2007LIVE GRIFFITH PARK FIRE BLOGGING AT DOWN WITH TYRANNYthe green on the upper left is all charred nowYesterday I was so busy excoriating Chris Carney for lying to me about his position on equality when he wanted Blue America support, that I didn't pay any attention to anything else.