How Trump Won

The World's Second Most Evil Billionaire-- After Putin-- Put Trump In The White House... What Else Does He Have In Mind?

Two faces of evil-- pure evil threatening planet earthThe State University of New York at Stony Brook, my alma mater, proposed having a dinner honoring me and one of their major donors, someone who didn't go to the school but who lived a stone's throw from the Long Island campus. I recognized the name. At the time he was the single biggest contributor to Ted Cruz's presidential campaign-- far right crackpot and hedge fund billionaire Robert Mercer.

With So Many Low-Info American Voters, Did Trump Even Need Putin's Help To Win?

In his column yesterday, Paul Krugman wrote that not only is Trump "the least qualified individual, temperamentally or intellectually, ever installed in the White House," but that "the broader Republican quagmire-- the party’s failure so far to make significant progress toward any of its policy promises-- isn’t just about Mr.

Is Trump A Pawn In Psychotic Billionaire Robert Mercer's Plot To Take Over The World-- The End Of Privacy

This is a translation from the German language Swiss Magazine Das Magazin, something like the New Yorker, based in Zurich, that goes beyond another report on the campaign and victory of a fascist and would-be dictator in the U.S. The German version, by Hannes Grassegger and Mikael Krogerus was published on December 3, under the title "Ich habe nur gezeigt, dass es die Bombe gibt" ("I just showed that the bomb was there").