House Financial Services Committee

Hensarling To Reinstate Indicted Mafia Thug Michael "Mikey Suits" Grimm On The Financial Services Committee

Jeb Hensarling (R-TX), crooked chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, is one of the GOP's bagmen for Wall Street banks. He collects the dough from the toxic banksters he's supposed to be overseeing and distributes it inside the Republican caucus to build his own power base among the rank and file. He wrote a personal check to the NRCC this cycle for $2,130,739.

Who Won The Elections Last Week? The Banksters, Of Course

Dark money brought down dweeby centrist President Garrett Walker. Like so many post-Citizens United politicians, he was getting laundered political contributions from China. Uregulated capitalism, which isn't only prevalent in the U.S. but has replaced Communism as China's religion, is on the march-- and putting democracy in check is essential. Anyone who thinks this pillars of society can be trusted should take a look at this L.A.

Volcker Rule: Each Ending Is A New Beginning For Banksters And Their Lobbyists

As we mentioned Monday, all but one Republican (Walter Jones) voted to exempt private equity fund investment advisers from regulatory registration and reporting requirements. They were joined by 36 Democrats led by Wall Street whores Steve Israel ("ex"-Blue Dog-$800,019) and Jim Himes (New Dem-$1,853,26). Ever since Boehner became Speaker, whittling away at Dodd-Frank has been top priority-- and he knows there are always a couple dozen corrupt Democrats to tag along for the goodies.

Virtually The Entire House Financial Services Committee Should Be Indicted For Bribery

For much of the year we've been talking about the corruption that, to a great extent, defines the New Dems in Congress and pointing specifically to the bad apples among them that managed to get onto the House Financial Services Committee, one of the principal conduits of bribery cash from the Wall Street banksters to Congress.

A Note From DCCC Chairman Steve Israel: "Top Race In The Country"

I shuddered to think which corrupt conservative shill he had decided was the "top race in the country." Since Israel was a member of the reactionary Blue Dog caucus himself before making a play for House leadership, I figured it would be one of the broken down, struggling, remaining Blue Dogs who are facing defeat next year: Barrow (GA), McIntyre (NC) or Math