
Could Being Hospitalized with Infections Lead to Higher Suicide Risk?

A new Danish study has found that people who have been hospitalized for a serious infection are at a higher risk for suicide. Researchers think that perhaps it has to do with the inflammation in the brain as a result of the infection, though there a few possibilities.
The study examined the Danish national registry, combing through records of 7.2 million people from 1980 to 2011. Using this information, it was found that those who had been hospitalized for infections had a 42% increased risk for death by suicide compared to those who were hospitalized for other reasons. [1]

Viral Photo of Dad and Son Shows Dedication to Parenthood

Amy Palmer of York, Pennsylvania, recently posted a picture that went viral of her husband sleeping under their 20-month-old son’s crib in the York Hospital Pediatrics unit after the son had suffered a severe asthma attack. Andre Palmer crawled underneath his son’s cot after working a full night’s shift, not missing a beat to be with his son.

Could Hackers Really Hijack Your Medical Device?

No one likes to think about a hacker sitting in a basement somewhere downloading your personal information. Imagine you just had a pacemaker installed, only to find out that there is a potential for someone to hack into the device to control its functions. Well, that is a real possibility. The new term for this activity is “medjacking,” or medical device hijacking.

Whistleblower Says She Was Fired from Hospital for Pointing Out Patient Safety Concerns

A whistleblowing nurse who used to work at a Kaiser hospital says that she was fired for looking after patients’ health. After voicing concerns over cost-cutting initiatives that might jeopardize patient safety and complaining about state labor violations she observed at the hospital, she was let go.