
Chart: How to Avoid Cancer-Causing BPA at the Grocery Store

We all really want to avoid the hormone-disrupting chemical bisphenol-A (BPA), but it can be difficult to navigate the grocery store aisles without accidentally putting a brand that still uses BPA in your cart. To help with this, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) has released a new report analyzing which brands continue to line their cans with BPA.

Hormone Disrupting Chemical Banned in EU Found in 50 Top US Snacks

A recent study by Harvard School of Public Health says a widely used chemical used in US food products causes fertility issues, yet it is still allowed to be used. While the US Food and Drug Administration declares this synthetic food additive is “generally recognized as safe, or GRAS,” the European Union’s food regulators outlawed it ever since scientists found it lowered sperm counts in rats.

A Primary Reason that Could be Causing Thinning Hair – Aging is NOT It

A woman’s hair can operate like a canary in a coal mine, signaling danger. When hair begins to thin, it is often the first sign of an underlying imbalance or deficiency that, if not addressed, can significantly undermine good heath in a big way. Chances are good that when hormone imbalances are successfully addressed, hair will begin to re-grow and again look and feel the way it once did.