
America’s First Permitted Home Constructed by a 3D Printer Cost $10,000

A proof-of-concept home constructed by a 3D printer in 48 hours, at a cost of $10,000, was demonstrated in Austin, Texas. New Story, a housing non-profit, teamed up with a construction-technology firm called Icon to build the 350 sq ft home as a prototype for low-cost homes planned for El Salvador late next year. [...]

Watch: Cops Kick Customer out of McDonald’s After Buying Food for Homeless Man

(ANTIMEDIA) Myrtle Beach, SC — For one South Carolina resident, it was a case of “no good deed goes unpunished” this week when his attempt to buy a homeless man a meal ended with police involvement. On Wednesday, Yossi Gallo entered a Myrtle Beach McDonald’s with another man, James Davis. Gallo bought the homeless Davis a meal, but as […]

Parts of Affluent California Look Like the Third-World

A disturbing video shows thousands (literally) of tents and shacks where homeless people are living along the Santa Ana River Trail in Orange County, an upscale area in California. More than 25% of the nation's homeless population now lives in California. Most sleep on the streets, under bridges, and tucked away in fields and parks. This video will haunt you. [...]

Why California Is the Poverty Capital of America

California has the highest poverty rate in the US, based on the cost of housing, food, utilities, and clothing. With 12% of the American population, California is home to about one in four of the nation’s welfare recipients. The welfare state, supported by a massive bureaucracy of 883,000 full-time state and local employees, is incentivized to expand its 'customer' base by bringing in more and more welfare recipients, which includes illegal aliens. In short, California is the poverty capital of America because it is ruled by collectivists.

A Texas Solution For Feeding The Malibu Homeless?--A Tale Oof Two Cities

-by Dorothy ReikPresident, Progressive Democrats of the Santa Monica MountainsIn Dallas it's illegal to feed the homeless. Now it seems that Malibu is following in a smilier path. The Malibu mayor, Skylar Peak, suggested that the local church to end their weekly homeless dinners-- what's good enough for Dallas is good enough for Malibu it seems.