
Seattle City Council Repeals Tax on Jobs to Benefit Homeless, after Big Biz Applies Pressure

Amazon, Starbucks and other large employers were able to pressure Seattle's City Council into overturning the socialist "head tax" of $275 on each employee per year that was expected to raise $50 million per year. The money was to help the growing homeless population. Amazon has more than 45,000 employees, and the tax would have cost the company $12,375,000. [...]

As Chicago Removes More Homeless Residents, a Federal Judge Dismisses Lawsuit Challenging Evictions

A federal judge dismissed a lawsuit against the city of Chicago’s evictions of homeless people, even as officials continue to remove homeless people and fail to provide affordable housing.
Andy Thayer, an activist with Uptown Tent City Organizers (UTCO), requested a public assembly permit for a protest encampment at Stewart Mall after the city indicated it had plans to renovate two viaducts under Lake Shore Drive, where homeless Chicagoans lived.

San Francisco Launches App to Clean Up “BioHazards” on Subway

San Francisco has the most expensive housing in America, which has led to a rise in the homeless population who are living in the streets, creating a problem with human waste on the streets. The city is offering a new app to report feces and needles left behind by drug addicts on the floors inside the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) station instead of creating a solution to the homeless problem. [...]

Homeless Camp Discovered That May Be Linked to Child Trafficking and Abuse

Children's toys and clothing confirm that small children had been present, but the most disturbing discovery was a pair of hand restraints fastened to tree trunks in a position that typically is used when torturing or abusing a victim. A baby stroller and pornographic materials also were found. None of these things are proof that children were abused in this camp, but the evidence is jolting. [...]

CA Republican Representative Fails to Explain Why He Prioritizes Dreamers over Homeless Citizens

Tucker Carlson grills US Representative Jeff Dunham, a Republican from California, about why he is pushing a measure to force immigration votes in the House that would give amnesty to DACA Dreamers that goes against the wishes of voters. Tucker asks why Dunham is making amnesty a priority when there are 100,000 homeless US citizens living on the sidewalks of California. [...]

Observations of America, Part II: Colorado has its own smoky cannabis story hidden from the world

Colorado legalized marijuana back in 2012 with it’s state constitutional Amendment 64. This amendment legalized the recreational and non-medical use of the drug and legalized possession of up to one ounce of it on one’s person, plus the cultivation of up to six cannabis plants for personal consumption.

Church Allows Homeless to Sleep Overnight, Gives Them Blankets

(TMU) — Nearly 15 years ago, St. Boniface church in San Francisco began opening their doors for homeless people in need of shelter. The effort was started by Father Louis Vitale of the church, and community activist Shelly Roder, in 2004 and is known as The Gubbio Project. Hundreds of people each day pass through the church, […]

California: Orange County Supervisors to Spend $90 Million on Homeless Problem Amplified by Illegal Aliens

Hundreds of homeless people will be relocated to tent cities in high-end communities that include Irvine, Huntington Beach, and Laguna Niguel. [It is predictable that, the more money is taken from working people with homes to pay for unemployed people without homes, the fewer working people there will be and the more homeless there will be. The process will continue until everyone will be dependent on the state for homes and food and health care and jobs and ....

Libertarian Candidate for US Senate Wants to Arm the Homeless With Shotguns

(TIM) — A Michigan candidate for US Senate, Brian Ellison, who is expected to be the Libertarian party’s candidate in the November midterm election, set his sights on raising at least $10,000 to buy 20 pump-action shotguns and provide training for homeless people. Ellison is calling his fundraising campaign “Arm the Homeless,” and the drive has already made international […]